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Registration opens May 8



Track Descriptions

  1. Neller Preacher’s Workshop - Dr. John Walton: When we preach, we aspire to offer a faithful reading of the message that carries the authority of God, not simply our own inspirational insights. This series will present methodological perspectives and then identify the resulting messages of the text that should be central in our preaching.

  2. Spiritual Formation of Children. -Alicia Williamson: Exploring healthy spiritual identity formation in children and key practices for parents, grandparents, and churches to help build lasting faith in children.

  3. Children’s Ministry - Glen and Wanda Knabe: In the beginning, God….what a profound thought. This is the very foundation we want our children to build their lives on. Let’s spend time together discussing how our children, like Timothy, can begin learning and knowing the scripture from their earliest memories.

  4. Integrative Adult Education - Dr. Keith Stanglin: Ideally, adult education in churches should equip Christians to progress in discipleship. This track on Integrative Adult Education examines the importance of both information and transformation in the adult education ministry, both of which are easily neglected in church classes. 

  5. Women’s Ministry - Tiffany Gormany: Exploring the power of healing and connection in women’s ministry with support groups.

  6. Worship: Planning and leading corporate worship and incorporating new music.

  7. Small Church Ministry - Dr. Phil Thompson and Michael Lincoln: Big churches get all the attention, but the fact is that the majority of Christians “do church” in a small church. Each small church is unique, and thus uniquely positioned for faithful service to christ, one another, and the world.

  8. Youth Ministry - Daniel Parrish, Ted Crigler, Rachel Newmeier: Youth ministry workshop

  9. Spiritual Formation: Transforming Lives: Rethinking Church Focus for Spiritual Formation - Dr. Grant AzbellEmbark on a journey in this class exploring spiritual formation, direction, and the evolving landscape of the church. Discover why shifting focus is essential for guiding individuals towards embodying the essence of Jesus in today's world.

  10. Disciple Making/Multiplication - Matt Dabbs: Jesus told us to “Go and Make Disciples,” so where do we start? This track gives practical lessons to make disciples in your church and community.

  11. Healthy Rhythms in Ministry - Dr. Kevin Shelby, Dr. Todd Patten and Dr. Mark Fager: Maintaining Mental and Emotional Well-Being While Leading Others.

  12. Toward Developing a Theology of Singleness - Dr. Stacy Rodenbeck: Singleness is often misunderstood and under-appreciated. Join us as we journey toward a robust theology of singleness that acknowledges its unique challenges and celebrates its unique opportunities for growth in the Spirit.

  13. Shepherding, Pastoral Care - Paul Woodhouse: Practical solutions to help those in crisis, whether inside or outside the church.

  14. Campus Ministry- The American University - Dr. Chris Buxton: A Modern-Day Canaan

  15. Genesis of Sex, Gender, and the Living Self - Dr. Robert Lawrence, MD, Med, MA: This series is for students, church leaders, and healthcare professionals preparing to stand alongside those experiencing gender or sex-based identity distress. 

  16. Lost World of Genesis 1 - Dr. John Walton: Faithful interpretation requires us to track with the communication of the humans through whom God gave us Scripture. In pursuit of that goal, this series will re-evaluate Genesis 1-3 to seek linguistic and cultural information often lost to us so that we can gain a better understanding of what message an ancient Israelite would have received.  

  17. Shepherding: Church Leadership- Leading the Church in the Age of Polarization

  18. Theology of Beauty - Dr. Mac Sandlin and Tessa Davidson: by its very nature, beauty captivates us and has the potential to either reveal God to us or to distract us from him. In these sessions, we explore the nature of beauty and its relationship to God and humans as God’s creative image bearers.

  19. Faithful and Effective Missional Partnership with Global Christians - Dr. Nathan Bills and Samuel Twumasi: Christians in the U.S. are engaging Christians around the globe. In these sessions, leaders from Heritage Christian University in Accra, Ghana- the largest University associated with the churches of  Christ in Africa- will lead discussions on productive ways for Christians to engage across cultures and continents. These connections offer powerful opportunities for ministry but also harbor the potential for disaster. These sessions will discuss ways churches can engage across continents to maximize transformation.

  20. Wild Transformation - Dr. Mathew Morine: Embrace a deep desire to be transformed into the image of Christ. Learn practices of faith that do the hard work of inner change and restoration. Cut through the image-making to the core of what it means to model Jesus to the world.

  21. Hispanic Ministry: Creating and sustaining ministry for Hispanic Christians in the United States

  22. Genesis of the Middle East Conflict - Dr. Everett Huffard: Understanding the Middle East crisis, geographically, historically, and biblically.

  23. A Literary Perspective of Genesis Contemporaries - Dr. Greg Laing: The Word of God was revealed in an environment rich in Ancient Near Eastern storytelling. As God called Abram from his home in Chaldea, that region abounded in narratives of cosmology, flood destruction, and the quest of humankind to understand its cosmological role. The contemporary texts of this region yield noteworthy contrasts and affinity with the Book of Genesis. During this year’s Lectureship, we will explore the literary aspects of some Ancient Near Eastern texts to find inspiration for the exceptional nature of Genesis among these contemporary stories.

  24. The Genesis of Multinational Partnerships in Missions: Christians in the US are engaging Christians around the globe. These connections offer powerful opportunities for ministry but also harbor the potential for disaster. In these sessions, leaders from Heritage Christian University in Accra, Ghana--the largest University associated with the churches of Christ in Africa--will lead discussions on productive ways for Christians to engage across cultures and continents.

  25. The Ink is Dry: Dr. Rubel Shelly will present a summary of his most recent book, The Ink Is Dry: God’s Distinctive Word on Marriage, Family, and Sexual Responsibility (College Press, 2023). In his words, “This book is not a political appeal to bind Christian morality through law. It is an appeal, instead, for Christians to live the distinctive life to which God has called us in Christ Jesus.

  26. The Aqedah (Binding of Isaac) - Dr. Daniel Oden: The “Akedah” - the binding of Isaac, a story found in the twenty-second chapter of Genesis, has an unexpected plot: God commands a parent to present a child as an offering. Though the topic of child sacrifice figures prominently in the laws and narratives of the Hebrew Bible, there is little to no explicit connection of Genesis 22 to any text of the Hebrew Bible other than 2 Chronicles 3:1, in which Solomon’s Temple is built on Mount Moriah. Yet within Second Temple Judaism and Early Christianity, Genesis 22 invites interpretative expansions as these communities wrestle with the profound questions raised by this provocative chapter. These sessions will explore Genesis 22 and its interpretations in antiquity, both in Judaism and Christianity.

  27. Knowing Your Place - Ian Bradshaw: A psychotherapeutic perspective of generational issues, such as family of origin and birth order, in the book of Genesis 1-11.

  28. The End of the Beginning: Joseph and the Genesis of Discipleship - Dr. Kevin Youngblood

More Information

Registration FAQs

I'm a student/employee of Harding. Do I still have to register?
Yes, but the registration fee is waived for HU employees, spouses and students. HU employees, spouses, and students please register here.

I am only attending the keynotes in the evening. Do I need to register?
All evening keynotes are free of charge and do not require registration

Lectureship Seminars for Credit

2024 Seminars for INSPIRE- THE 101st Harding Lectureship will be available May 2024.

Students have the option to attend Lectureship classes for credit. Students must register for these classes on or before by the first day of Lectureship by using the "Add/Drop" link in the "My Classes" section of Pipeline.


**Overrides may be necessary when registering for these seminars. These can obtained by emailing your H number and class CRN to bible@harding.edu

Child Care

Complementary childcare is provided for registered attendees at nearby College Church of Christ. A name tag must be presented when dropping off your child. Snacks, activities, and dinner are provided. Lectureship registration is available at College Church.

Childcare is available during all Lectureship sessions, closing for lunch from 12:15pm -1:30pm.

All ages welcome.

Exhibitor and Vendor Information

Reservations for Inspire Lectureship 2024 exhibit areas

Exhibitor fees for 2024:

$200 per exhibit table in the McInteer Rotunda and Student Center.
$100 per exhibit table in the Benson Lobby.

2024 Exhibitor Slide Information:

Your advertisement slide is due Sept. 1, 2024. The slide should be in a 16:9 PowerPoint format. For any questions, please contact our office at inspire@harding.edu.

NOTE: There is a max limit of two tables

Two Lectureship registrations are included with your exhibitor fee. Exhibitor personnel that exceed the included two registrations will need to register additional personnel as attendees.

Register as an exhibitor for the 2024 Inspire Lectureship here

Past Keynotes

Contact Us

Mailing address:
Harding University
Inspire Lectureship
HU 12280
Searcy, AR 72149-5615

Make a Donation

Donations support Kerusso, a program for high school students to learn about preaching and sharing God's Word, as well as Bible Scholarships for full-time majors in the College of Bible and Ministry. Donations are tax-deductible.