Student Government Association

Hello, there!

We the Student Government Association (or the SGA, as you’ll hear us called) are responsible for facilitating the relationship between the student body and Harding's faculty, staff and administration. We have a variety of committees that work on projects and programs to help advocate for the needs of our fellow students as well as work to grow our relationships among the Harding and greater Searcy communities.

With all of the changes in the last year, we can all see more clearly the power and value of conversation. Whether it’s educating those around us on safety and health precautions, reaching out to the isolated and at emotional risk, or just hearing a familiar voice, conversation is what connects us. As we as a student body make the return to campus life in the midst of a changed and changing world, we long to have these conversations face to face. I am prayerful that through the help of the Spirit, we as the SGA will continue to create opportunities for life giving dialogue that will further allow us to enact policies for the good of all those we advocate for.

If you would like any information on what we do or how to get involved, please feel free to email us at! You can also like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram (@SGAHardingU) to stay updated on campus life.


The Student Government Association


2024-25 Student Government Association

Emma Gaskill

Sophomore Female

Luke Campbell

Sophomore Male

Emma Roach

Junior Female

Grayson Thomas

Junior Male

Katie Green

Senior Female

Garrett Blankenship

Senior Male

James Stone


Grayson Hume


Reed Wilson

Vice President

Adele Duncan


The Student Government Association represents the student body to the administration and provides outlets for students to be involved in meaningful activities that support the mission of the university. Membership includes every full-time undergraduate student enrolled on the Searcy campus.

The SGA Executive Council is made up of four elected officers — president, vice president, secretary and treasurer — and a male and female representative for each class and for international students. The executive committee, except the freshman class representatives, is elected in the spring semester for the following year. Freshman class representatives are elected in the fall semester of the year they serve.

The SGA also supports 12 standing committees whose members are nominated by the SGA president and approved by vote of the Executive Council, the SGA sponsors and the administration.

The SGA officers — president, vice president, secretary and treasurer — and a male and female representative for the sophomore, junior and senior classes and for the international students are elected in the spring semester for the following year. Freshman class representatives are elected in the fall semester of the year they serve.

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Contact Information

Student Government Association