Pattie Cobb Hall

It continues to be a home for female University students

In 1919, Pattie Cobb Hall was built on the campus of what was Galloway Women’s College. Though the school closed in 1933, the building remained and became the home and dining hall of Harding students for many years. When Harding moved to Searcy in 1934, the building was named for Pattie Cobb, the wife of James A. Harding, as an "attempt to show our appreciation" for her "love for young boys and girls and deep interest in Christian education" (Petit Jean, 1936). Today, it continues to be a home for female University students.

On Jan. 31, 1988, the last meal was served in the Pattie Cobb cafeteria. Read alumni memories of food and friendship shared in the Harding alumni Facebook group.

Pattie Cobb, a building older than the University itself, celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2019. Read alumni memories shared on social media to celebrate.