
Community building

In chapel, we have the ability to create new relationships and strengthen the student body as we worship and fellowship together.


This is a daily time when we can refocus on who God is, who we are and our mission in the kingdom.

Affirming the Harding identity

Chapel is one of the ways we demonstrate to each other and the world that faith in God remains at the center of all we do.

Chapel Etiquette
  • Be on time.
    • Students who are tardy will need to check with the appropriate chapel checker before walking quietly to their seats.
    • Students who are more than 10 minutes late will be counted absent.
  • Students are allowed 15 absences per semester for personal, health or emergency needs. Additional absences due to a chronic condition require documentation filed with the Office of Disability Services and Educational Access. Any absences beyond the allowed 15 are considered unexcused unless approved by a Student Life dean.
  • No food or drink is permitted in the Benson Auditorium.
  • Men are required to remove caps during chapel.
  • Laptops, tablets, cell phones and headphones may not be used during chapel.
  • Appropriate respect for speakers and others is expected.