Mission, Vision and Values

Our Mission

With Christ as Lord, Harding University transforms learners for global impact by engaging minds and nurturing faith within a deeply connected community.

Our Vision

Led by our Christ-centered mission, Harding University aspires to be known around the world for educating and inspiring students to relentlessly pursue God’s truth, excellence and love.

Our Values

Pursuit of Truth
We believe the truths of God’s Word are relevant to contemporary culture, and we exercise the freedom to pursue truth in every discipline.

Human Dignity
We view every human as an image-bearer of God and therefore treat all with respect and dignity while pursuing authentic relationships.

We ground our efforts in empathy and propel our students to use their God-given talents to run toward the brokenness among humanity as instruments of healing.

As ministers of reconciliation we respectfully work through differences and strive to promote wisdom and understanding.

We are committed to a high standard of character, integrity, scholarship, collaboration and work ethic.