ASI Speaker Database



Jerry Linenger

Jerry Linenger

Former NASA astronaut Jerry Linenger was hosted by the Harding University American Studies Institute.

Dr. Robert George and Dr. Cornel West

Dr. Robert George and Dr. Cornel West

Dr. Robert P. George is McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence and director of the James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions at Princeton University. Dr. Cornel West is the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Chair at Union Theological Seminary. He teaches the works of Dietrich Bonhoeffer as well as Philosophy of Religion and African American Critical Thought.

2024 Speakers

2024 Speakers

Upcoming speakers include former NASA astronaut Jerry Linenger, social critic Cornel West and legal scholar Robert George

Adm. William McRaven

Adm. William McRaven

Searcy Regional Chamber of Commerce hosted Adm. William McRaven Jan. 11 in collaboration with Harding University


Panama Canal executive Ilya R. Espino de Marotta

Panama Canal executive Ilya R. Espino de Marotta

Espino de Marotta started with the Panama Canal Authority in 1985 and made history when she was named the organization's first female executive vice president of engineering in 2012.

Jonathan Skrmetti

Jonathan Skrmetti

The Harding University American Studies Institute welcomed Tennessee Attorney General and Reporter Jonathan Skrmetti as part of its distinguished lecture series on Thursday, Sept. 21

Dr. Anne Rathbone Bradley

Dr. Anne Rathbone Bradley

The Harding University American Studies Institute hosted George and Sally Mayer Fellow for Economic Education and vice president of academic affairs at The Fund for American Studies Dr. Anne Rathbone Bradley as part of its distinguished lecture series on Monday, March 13. Bradley’s lecture is titled “Biblical Human Flourishing and Economic Freedom.”

Michael Matheson Miller

Michael Matheson Miller

Miller is a senior research fellow at the Acton Institute and director and producer of the award-winning documentary “Poverty, Inc.,”


Bob Goff

Bob Goff

The Harding University American Studies Institute hosted Bob Goff, New York Times bestselling author and founder of Love Does for the third presentation in its Distinguished Lecture Series on Tuesday, Nov. 29, in the Benson Auditorium.

David Beasely, John Boozman, Brett Biggs

David Beasely, John Boozman, Brett Biggs

Beasley was appointed executive director of the United Nations World Food Programme, the largest humanitarian organization in the world focused on hunger and food security, in 2017.

Joe Kennedy with Michael Berry and Stephanie Taub

Joe Kennedy with Michael Berry and Stephanie Taub

The Harding University American Studies Institute hosted Washington high school football coach Joe Kennedy and attorneys Michael Berry and Stephanie Taub Thursday, Sept. 22

Arthur Brooks

Arthur Brooks

The Harding University American Studies Institute hosted Harvard professor, bestselling author and The Atlantic columnist Arthur Brooks Thursday, March 31 at 7:30 p.m.

Tim Tebow

Tim Tebow

The American Studies Institute hosted NCAA champion and Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow on Tuesday, Jan. 18, 2022, for the spring presentations of its distinguished lecture series.


Mike Huckabee

Mike Huckabee

Huckabee was the governor of Arkansas from 1996-2007 and a candidate for president in 2008 and 2016, finishing second in the Republican primary in 2008.

Warren Stephens

Warren Stephens

The American Studies Institute Distinguished Lecture Series featured Warren Stephens, chairman, president, and chief executive officer of Stephens Inc.,

Temple Grandin

Temple Grandin

The Harding University American Studies Institute Distinguished Lecture Series featured Temple Grandin, American doctor of animal science and bestselling author.

Dr. Michael Lindsay

Dr. Michael Lindsay

“What I found over the course of interviewing this amazing array of people is that oftentimes they had to get to a place of being vulnerable about their challenges and their experiences.


Benjamin Watson

Benjamin Watson

The American Studies Institute hosted Benjamin Watson, former New England Patriots tight end, for a virtual lecture event

Jerry Mitchell

Jerry Mitchell

The Harding University American Studies Institute, in partnership with its Honors College L.C. Sears Collegiate Seminar Series, hosted alumnus, author and investigative reporter Jerry Mitchell

Stephen M.R. Covey

Stephen M.R. Covey

The American Studies Institute hosted bestselling author Stephen M.R. Covey for the spring presentations of its Distinguished Lecture Series.



Alex Kendrick

Alex Kendrick

Harding University’s American Studies Institute hosted Alex Kendrick, American film writer, producer, director, actor and co-founder of Kendrick Brothers Productions, for the second presentation of its 2019-20 Distinguished Lecture Series at 7:30 p.m.,

Liz Murray

Liz Murray

The American Studies Institute featured Liz Murray, co-founder and executive director of The Arthur Project, to kick off the Distinguished Lecture Series.

Tony Dungy

Tony Dungy

The American Studies Institute at Harding University hosted Tony Dungy, former head coach of the 2007 Super Bowl Champion Indianapolis Colts and football analyst for NBC Sports, for the fourth presentation of its 2018-19 Distinguished Lecture Series at 7:30 p.m.

Christine Darden

Christine Darden

The Harding University American Studies Institute Distinguished Lecture Series featured Dr. Christine Darden, former NASA mathematician and one of the “human computers” featured in the book “Hidden Figures” that became a 2016 hit movie.


Devin Brown and Douglas Gresham

Devin Brown and Douglas Gresham

The American Studies Institute at Harding University featured noted C.S. Lewis scholar Devin Brown and a panel discussion with Douglas Gresham, stepson of C.S. Lewis, for the second presentation of its 2018-19 Distinguished Lecture Series at 7:30 p.m. in Benson Auditorium.

Michael Cox

Michael Cox

The American Studies Institute at Harding University hosted Dr. W. Michael Cox, international expert on capitalism and free market trade, for the first presentation of its 2018-19 Distinguished Lecture Series

Laura Bush

Laura Bush

The American Studies Institute at Harding University hosted former First Lady of the United States Laura Bush for the fourth presentation of its 2017-18 Distinguished Lecture Series at 7:30 p.m.

Ron Clark

Ron Clark

The American Studies Institute at Harding University hosted nationally acclaimed author and world-renowned educator Ron Clark for the third presentation of its 2017-18 Distinguished Lecture Series at 7:30 p.m.


Eva Kor

Eva Kor

The University’s American Studies Institute hosted Holocaust survivor and forgiveness advocate Eva Kor for the second presentation of its Distinguished Lecture Series at 7:30 p.m.

Alberto Gonzalez

Alberto Gonzalez

Former U.S. Attorney General Alberto M. Gonzales

Ruby Bridges

Ruby Bridges

The American Studies Institute concluded its Distinguished Lecture Series at 7:30 p.m. in Benson Auditorium with a presentation by author and civil rights activist Ruby Bridges titled “Through My Eyes.”

Eric Metaxas

Eric Metaxas

Harding University’s American Studies Institute hosted New York Times best-selling author Eric Metaxas for the third presentation of its distinguished lecture at 7:30 p.m.


Michael Duffy

Michael Duffy

The Harding University community gained a fascinating insight into the presidents club from Michael Duffy, deputy managing editor of Time magazine

Brett Biggs

Brett Biggs

The University’s American Studies Institute will begin its distinguished lecture series with Brett Biggs.

David Barton

David Barton

The American Studies Institute concluded its distinguished lecture series with David Barton.

Fred Gray, Howard Wright, & Elijah Anthony

Fred Gray, Howard Wright, & Elijah Anthony

Harding University hosted a panel discussion titled “Exploring Race Relations: An Honest Conversation”


Prime Minister George Papandreou

Prime Minister George Papandreou

Former Greece Prime Minister George Papandreou concluded the 2014-15 Harding University American Studies Institute Distinguished Lecture Series with his lecture titled "The Future of Economics and Universal Values."

Dr. Kent Brantly

Dr. Kent Brantly

The American Studies Institute hosted ebola survivor Dr. Kent Brantly as a part of the 2014-15 Distinguished Lecture Series. A family medicine physician

Archie Manning

Archie Manning

The American Studies Institute at Harding University hosted Archie Manning as the third presentation of the 2014-15 Distinguished Lecture Series on Thursday, Feb. 19.  

Wes Moore

Wes Moore

Harding University’s American Studies Institute continued its Distinguished Lecture Series at 7:30 p.m. with author Wes Moore.

Asa Hutchinson

Asa Hutchinson

Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson spoke at Harding University to kick off the Distinguished Lecture Series. Hutchinson was sworn in as the 46th governor of Arkansas


Eric Greitens
former Navy SEAL and best-selling author

Col. Lee Ellis
former Vietnam POW, leadership consultant and author

Dr. Ben Carson
neurosurgeon and NYT best-selling author

Col. Dave Grossman
author of "On Killing"


George Will
conservative syndicated columnist

Bill Simon
President and CEO of Walmart US

Mike Beebe
Governor of the state of Arkansas

Stephen Moore
senior economics writer for The Wall Street Journal


Karl Rove
political strategist and senior advisor to President Bush

Star Parker
Founder and President of CURE

Condoleezza Rice
former Secretary of State

Victor D. Hanson
author and historian


Paul Sperry
newsmen and author

Richard Picciotto
highest ranking firefighter in WTC on 9/11

Steve Forbes
President, CEO and Editor-in-Chief of Forbes Magazine 

Tommy Tuberville
Head Coach Texas Tech University


Bob Backel & Cal Thomas
political strategists and columnists

Gen. Richard Myers
15th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and Staff

George W. Bush
43rd President of the United States

Laura Ingram
author, commentator and radio host



Cynthia Copper
World Comm auditor

Nonie Darwish
author, Arabs for Israel founder

Ben Stein
economist, author, actor


Truett Cathy
Founder and CEO of Chick-fil-a

Dinesh D'Souza
author, Reagan policy analyst

Steve Forbes
President, CEO and Editor-in-chief Forbes Magazine

Fred Gray
Veteran Civil Rights Attorney

David Barton
 Founder and President of WallBuilders, Inc.


Herman Cain
former President and CEO Godfather's Pizza

Levy Mwanawasa
President of Republic of Zambia

LTC Steve Russell
Unit captured Saddam Hussein

Vicente Fox
former President of Mexico (2000-2006)

Dr. Inonge Mbikusita-Lewanika
Ambassador of Zambia

Janice Rogers Brown
Federal Judge in the U.S. Court of Appeals


Don Soderquist
former Senior Vice Chairman of Walmart

Sean Hannity
television and radio political analyst

Zell Miller
former Governor and Georgia U.S. Senator 

Jose Maria Aznar
former President of the Government in Spain


Scott Waddle
former U.S. Navy commander

Gracia Burnham
survivor of captivity by rebels in Philippines

Cheri Pierson Yecke
U.S. Department of Education

John Ashcroft
Attorney General under President George W. Bush

J.C. Watts
athlete, statesman and minister


Michael Medved
film critic, author and radio talk show host

David Barton
author, historian and Founder of Wallbuilders, Inc.

General Tommy Franks
former Commander in Chief

Deena Burnett
widow of Tom Burnett, passenger on Flight 93 on September 11, 2001


Jim Ryun
Congressman, 2nd District of Kansas

Asa Hutchinson
under Secretary Border and Transportation Security Department of Homeland Defense

William J. Bennett
distinguished fellow at Heritage Foundation and co-director of Empower America

Khalil E. Jahshan
Executive Vice President of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee


Dinesh D'Souza
author of "What's so Great about America?"

Walter E. Williams
John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics at George Mason University

Barbara Bush
former First Lady

General Wesley K. Clark 
former NATO Supreme Allied Commander


Randall Mott
Senior Vice President and CIO at Dell Computers 

Judge Kenneth W. Starr
former Independent Counsel (August 1994-October 1999)

Houston Nutt
Arkansas Razorbacks Head Football Coach


Colin Powell
retired general and former Chairman of the U.S. Joints Chief of Staff

Lech Walesa
1983 Nobel Peace Prize winner and former President of Poland

Governor Frank Keating
Governor of Oklahoma



Dr. Leland R. Kaiser
healthcare consultant

Heather Whitestone McCallum
Miss America 1995, first women with a disability to win

Rep. Asa Hutchinson
Congressman from Arkansas 3rd District

Dr. James Dobson
author and founder of Focus on the Family

John Major
former Prime Minister of Britain


Mikhail Gorbachev
former President of the Soviet Union

Lamar Alexander
former Tennessee Governor and candidate for President

Bobby Bowden
Florida State University Head Football Coach

Linda Chavez
columnist and President of the Center for Equal Opportunity


Armstrong Williams
television and radio host

George Bush
America's 41st President

Gary L. Baur
Family Research Counsil President

Gov. Mike Huckabee
Governor of Arkansas


Congressman Tim Hutchinson
Congressman for Arkansas 3rd District

Captain Scott O'Grady
Air Force pilot shot down over Bosnia

Brian Mulroney
former Prime Minister of Canada

Lynne Cheney
Chairman of National Endowment for the Humanities (1986-1993) and advocate for improving education

Ron Townsend
President of Gannett Television Group


John H. Sununu
Co-host of CNN's nightly "Crossfire" and Chief of Staff to President Bush

Jack Kahl
CEO and Chairman of Manco, Inc.

Lady Margaret Thatcher
former Prime Minister of Great Britian

Count Hubert de Germiny
specialist in international relations


Malcolm Forbes, Jr.
President, CEO and Editor-in-Chief fo Forbes Magazine

Dr. George Lebo
NASA scientist, worked on Hubble Telescope project

Rob Bremer
"How to Maximize your Greatest Asset — Your Employees"

Dan Quayle
former Vice President

Fred Barnes
columnist and news commentator, editor for The New Republic

James Humes
actor, historian, politician


Dick Cheney
former Secretary of Defense

Michael Medved
film critic and author

George R. Walther
author and sales consultant

Jim Burnett
former Chairman of the National Transportation and Safety Board

Brian Bex
President of American Communications Network - The Brian Bex Report, Inc.

Cal Thomas
Syndicated Newspaper columnist

Gerald W. Ebker
Vice President of IBM

Sidney Moncrief
former basketball player for Arkansas Razorbacks & Milwaukee Bucks

Paul Craig Roberts
Chairman of Institute for Political Economy


Jim Cathcart
speaker and expert on human relations seminar

Robert D. Novak & Bob Beckel
American Issues Debate

Admiral Stansfield Turner
Admiral of the U.S. Navy and former Director of CIA

Barbara Sanfilippo
management seminar speaker

Dr. Alan Keyes
former Assistant Secretary of State for International Organizations Affairs (1985-1987)


Alexander Akhtyrsky
Director General of All-Union National Radio in Russia

Eugene McCarthy & James Watt
American Studies Debate

Dr. Tony Alessandra
author and speaker on relationship strategies 

Benazir Bhutto
former Prime Minister of Pakistan

Khalil Jahshan
Executive Director of National Association of Arab-Americans

William Buckley, Jr. 
Editor of National Review

Harvey MacKay
"How to Swim with the Sharks"

Dith Pran
journalist and Cambodian Holocaust survivor 


Dr. Bill Cox
Chairman of Dal-Tile

Robert Jones, M.D.
Professor of Surgery at Duke University Medical Center, cardiovascular fitness research

Admiral William Crowe
former Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff

Howard Baker, Jr. 
Senator and former Chief of Staff

Brian Tracy
sales seminar

Edwin Meese III
former U.S. Attorney General

Ken Hatfield
former Arkansas Razorbacks Head Football Coach

Ken Adleman
former Director U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, former Deputy Ambassador to United Nations

Dr. John Lee
"Personall and Time Management"



Tommy Robinson

John Akers

Frank Carlucci
former Secretary of Defense

Dr. Denis Whaitley
author and speaker on "The Psychology of Winning"

Robert Bork
Supreme Court Nominee

David Eisenhower
grandson of Dwight D. Eisenhower and author of "Eisenhower at War"

Philip B. Crosby
quality guru, management seminar

Fran Tarkington
management consultant, former Minnesota Vikings and New York Giants quarterback


Jack Shewmaker
Wal-Mart Officer

Dr. Kenneth Cooper
fitness expert

William Bennett
former Secretary of Education

Og Mandino
author, sales seminar

John Naisbitt
author and analyst of Globalization

Dr. Ken Blanchard
author of The One-Minute Manager

Thomas Sowell
economist, social theorist, political philosopher and author


Zig Ziglar
author, salesman, motivational speaker

Henry Kissinger
Secretary of State under two presidents

Gene Stallings
St. Louis Cardinals Head Football Coach

William Stephens
Chairman of Triad Corp.

J. Peter Grace
CEO W.R. Grace Company

Robert Ferrell
author on Harry S. Truman

Michael Novak
noted theologian, author and diplomat

Howard Phillips
The Conservative Caucus


Dr. Jeane Kirkpatrick
U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations

Kenneth Cooper
aerobics and fitness expert

John Breighton
former Space Shuttle pilot

Lyn Nofziger
Press Secretary to President Ronald Reagan

Clarence Pendleton
Chairman of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights

Herbert Kellher
CEO of Southwest Airlines


Sen. Dale Bumpers
former Arkansas Governor, Arkansas Senator

Manuel Esquivel
Prime Minister of Beli


Paul Carter
former CFO of WalMart

Patrick J. Buchanan
Senior Advisor to presidents Nixon, Ford and Reagan

Alex Haley
author of Roots

Peter Jenkins
journalist and author of "A Walk Across America"


Arkady Shevchenko
former Soviet Diplomat

James Watt
former Secretary of the Interior

Zig Ziglar
author, salesman, motivational speaker


J. Gary Shansby
marketing and management expert

Marva Collins
teacher and educational activist


Milton Friedman
economist, statistician and writer

Alexander Ginzburg
Russian journalist, poet and human rights activist

Will Sampson
Native American and artist

James J. Kirkpatrick
editorial columnist and grammarian

Eric Sevareid
CBS News Journalist and War Correspondent



Richard DeVose
Founder of Amway

William Simon
former Secretary of the Treasury


Maj. Gen. John Singlaub
Founding Member of the CIA

Strom Thurmond
North Carolina Senator (1954-2003)

William Colby
former Head of the CIA


Sen. Sam Ervin
investigated Joseph McCarthy and Watergate

Gen. Moshe Dayan
former Minister of Defense for Israel


Gen. William Westmoreland
former U.S. Army Chief of Staff


Paul Harvey
American Radio Broadcaster


Howard K. Smith
journalist, news anchorman and political commentator

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