Business Office

General Information

The Business Office is the accounts receivable office for the University. This office is located on the first floor of the Anthony and Wright Administration Building. The billing and collection of student accounts is the main responsibility of this office. The Business Office will cash checks for currently enrolled students up to $200.00. The Business Office is also the liaison between Harding and Aramark.



Monthly statements are emailed to all students and authorized Transact/CASHNet users. No paper bills are sent. Parents and other third parties wishing to make payments must be authorized via Transact/CASHNet by the student to receive a copy of the electronic bill and access.

Students may choose meal plans through your Pipeline account.
See Meal Plan Frequently Asked Questions below!

Meal Plan
Price per term
Fall 24/Spring 25
Description Requirements
1 - All Access

Unlimited access to The University Dining Hall

$100 Declining Balance/Term

Required for Freshmen and Sophomores in Campus housing
2 - Weekly 15

15 Meals per week

$100 Declining Balance/Term

3 - Weekly 10

10 Meals per week

$150 Declining Balance/Term

Required minimum for Juniors, Seniors, and Graduates in traditional residence hall*
4 - Block 75

75 Meals per term

$135 Declining Balance/Term

Required minimum for Freshmen off campus; Juniors, Seniors, and Graduates in Pryor/Searcy
5 - Block 50

50 Meals per term

$50 Declining Balance/Term

*Traditional Residence Halls-Cathcart, Pattie Cobb, Sears, Stephens, Allen, Armstrong, Graduate, Harbin, Keller

** Meal Exchange adds greater flexibility to your meal plan. Each meal plan includes the option to use one meal exchange per meal period (breakfast, lunch, dinner). Meals can be exchanged during any meal period for a combo meal at the participating retail locations:Panda Express, Einstein Bros. Bagel, Chick-fil-A, and Tacker's Shake Shack. The Meal Exchange option is perfect for when you want to switch it up from dining in The University Dining Hall.


Meal Plan Frequently Asked Questions

What is Declining Balance (DCB)?
Declining balance works like a debit card, and funds are deposited into your account as part of your meal plan. They are designed to help you cover between meals or snacks at various retail locations on campus.

How does a meal exchange work?
The meal exchange option is perfect for when you want to switch it up from dining in the University Dining Hall. Meal exchanges can be used to purchase meals at participating retail locations: Panda Express, Einstein Bros. Bagel, Chick-fil-A, and Tacker’s Shake Shack. Ultimate flexibility with up to three per day (one per meal period).

How do I keep up with my balances?
Create an account here: Students may also ask the cashier for a receipt.

How do I find menus and hours of service?

May I change meal plans?
Yes. You may make changes to your meal plan through your Pipeline account through Friday, August 30, 2024.

What day does my swipes renew?
Meal plan swipes renew each Sunday morning. There is no refund for unused swipes.

What if I run out of meal swipes during the semester?
Students will be able to purchase additional declining balance.

What if I do not use all of my DCB?
Your DCB will be carried forward from fall term to spring term and expire on the last day of spring term. There is no refund for leftover DCB.

May I pay cash in the University Dining Hall or Student Center Food Court?
Yes. You will be charged sales tax if you pay cash rather than use your DCB.

What are the University Dining Hall door rates?
Breakfast: $9.95; Lunch & Dinner: $11.80

What if I do not use all of my meal swipes?
You are actually purchasing the ability to enter the University Dining Hall a number of times. There is no refund for unused meal swipes and all swipes expire at the end of each term.

What if I have food allergies or a medical condition?
If you have a food allergy or are in need of dietary assistance please contact:
Director of Disability Services & Educational Access, Bridget Smith

What if I am sick?
Residents who are unable to make it to a dining area due to illness or injury may have another person pick up a meal for them. Please notify your RLC if this service is needed.

What if I drop school?
Cost of meal plans will be due for any billing week started with a prorated refund.

What if I move out of the residence hall?
Students must notify the Business Office when a meal plan is no longer needed. Cost of meal plans will be due for any billing week started with a prorated refund.

Will my meal plan auto renew for the spring term?
Yes, dining plans will auto renew for students with housing assignments that require a dining plan. Students must notify the Business Office of any meal plan changes by Friday, January 24, 2025.

Financial Responsibility

Harding University’s financial well-being is dependent upon prompt payment of accounts. For this reason, Harding diplomas will not be released if a student has failed to pay any indebtedness to the University. Exception is made for government loans if they are not past due. At the discretion of the administration, a student may be suspended for non-payment of indebtedness. Students cannot receive diplomas or register until all account balances have been satisfied with the University. Failure to meet financial obligations to the University may result in the delinquent account being placed with a collection agency. Students are responsible for all attorney fees and other collection costs incurred by the University in collecting accounts.


Billing Statements

  • Statements will be processed and sent electronically the first of each month during the term.
  • An email will be sent to each student when statements are ready to be viewed.
  • Transact/CASHNet authorized users will also receive the email if a payer invitation was sent by the student.
  • The email will direct the student and parent/authorized user to log into the Transact/CASHNet site to view the statement.
  • The statement is only current as of the billing date on the statement. New entries will appear on the next statement.

Student account details may be found in the Activity Details tab in Transact/CASHNet. The activity details show the current balance due and transaction details of the student account. You may check the status of your financial aid at: Pipeline --> Student --> Financial Aid. Please note that all authorized financial aid will pay to the student accounts the first day of classes each term.


Payment on Account

Harding University Business office accepts checks, money orders, or cash in person. All credit card and debit card payments are made through Transact/CASHNet. Harding University has selected Transact/CASHNet as our web-based, paperless billing, payment and installment plan provider.

  • The convenience fee for domestic card payments will be 2.95%
  • The convenience fee for international card payments will be 4.25%
  • Payment made by bank account does not have a convenience fee
  • Payment will show up immediately on the student account but will not withdraw from your bank account until the following business day. Please be sure funds are available before submitting the payment

Account is due in full by September 1 for fall and February 1 for spring. Additional charges or fees may be added during the term and are due as billed each month online. It is the student and the parent/authorized user’s responsibility to view the statement each month for any changes in the account. Any accounts that are not paid in full will incur interest at 6.5% per annum compounded monthly until paid.

There will be a $30.00 service charge on all returned paper checks and $35.00 service charge on returned web payments.


Installment Payment Plan Enrollment using Transact/CASHNet

Installment payment plans are available during fall and spring semesters and are divided into monthly installments. Plans may be started at the first of the month with the balance being divided by the remaining months in the semester. (i.e. July start balance divided by five months (Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec) -August start balance divided by four months (Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec) etc.). The number of installments is dependent on the date of enrollment. Enrollment begins in July for fall and December for spring with five installments. The number of installments decreases each month during the term with the last enrollment during October for fall and March for spring with two installments.

Log into Transact/CASHNet site (students through pipeline, parent/authorized user on Transact/CASHNet). Select Installment Payment Plan Link and follow links to enroll.

  • Enrollment fee is $25.00 and must be paid at enrollment
  • Enrollment in the Installment Payment Plan must be set up each term
  • Payments will be due the first of each month and reminder emails will be sent
  • Payments may vary as charges are added to the account by your student during the term. Examples: adding classes, traffic fines, library fines, adding dining dollars, etc.
  • Payments should be made each month using the installment payment link
  • Failure to make the full monthly payment on time will incur a $35.00 penalty

Transact/CASHNet Set Up Instructions

Student instructions for Transact/CASHNet

  • Log in to Pipeline
  • Select the “Student” bar
  • Select “Payments (Transact/CASHNet)”
  • Select “Access Transact/CASHNet”
  • Select “My Account” in left-hand column
  • Select “Send a payer invitation”
  • Complete payer information and select “Send invitation”
  • If using an Apple product, Pipeline may require you to accept all cookies and pop-ups on your control panel.

Parent instructions for Transact/CASHNet

  • Open email sent by your student from Transact/CASHNet. Check inbox and spam folder
  • Copy username password in the email
  • Select the link in email:

Auto Payments for Payment Plans

  • Auto Payment must be set up each term, after completing payment plan enrollment
  • Save banking or credit card information
  • Payments are deducted on installment due dates
  • Payments may vary as charges are added to the account by your student during the term. Examples: adding classes, traffic fines, library fines, adding dining dollars, etc.
  • If banking or credit card information changes, payments may not be processed as expected resulting in a late fee of $35.00
  • It is the responsibility of the customer to update banking or credit card information as it changes
  • It is the customer’s responsibility to verify that the payment was made by checking the Business Office account online or checking your bank statement. Payment may also be verified on the Transact/CASHNet Web page under recent payments
  • Credit card fees and electronic policies apply to auto payments


Undergraduate Expenses

These expenses are estimated upon enrollment in 15 credit hours.

Expense Semester Year
Tuition ($843 per hour) $12,645 $25,290
Technology Fee (For 12 hours or more)** $336 $672
Standard Residence Hall Room (includes weekly laundry) $2,280 $4,560
Standard Meal Plan (14 swipes per week + $275 Dining Dollars) $2,250 $4,500
Total $17,511 $35,022


Other General Expenses

Expense Cost
Graduate Tuition Varies by program
Post Office Rental $33 per Term included in Residence Hall price
Car Registration $40 per Year
Class Fees Varies***

NOTICE: This information provided as a general guideline for planning purposes only.

Learn more about Federal Financial Aid Cost of Attendance and see a comprehensive listing of expenses that may be associated with enrollment.

**For students enrolled in 12 hours or less, the Technology Fee is calculated based upon the number of hours enrolled. ($28 per hour)

***Refer to the University Catalog for a list of all class fees.


More Information

Since operating costs of a university must be based upon an estimated enrollment, students are granted admission with the understanding that they are to remain for a full term. A student who enrolls in a class but does not attend, or who stops attending and does not officially withdraw, may not receive a refund. An official withdrawal from the University begins in the Student Life Office. A refund of tuition will be made based on the following schedule. (Days indicated are days of the term, excluding Saturday and Sunday.)


Fall and Spring Regular Terms

Day 1 - 5 100% Refund of Tuition
Day 6 - 10 80% Refund of Tuition
Day 11 - 15 60% Refund of Tuition
Day 16 - 20 40% Refund of Tuition
Day 21 - 25 20% Refund of Tuition
Day 26 - End of Term No Refund of Tuition

The refund table with specific dates can be viewed in Pipeline.

After a student withdraws from the University, room and board will be refunded on a prorated basis. No refunds for board will be made for absences while enrolled in the University.

If a student‘s withdrawal is a result of misconduct, the institution is under no obligation to make any refunds.

Summer 2024


Undergraduate Tuition $808 per credit hour
Graduate Tuition Varies, see University Catalog for list of credit hour costs
Technology Fee $27 per credit hour
Class Fees Varies, See University Catalog for list of all class fees


Billing and Payment:

All charges are due June 1. Paper check or Money Orders may be mailed to the Business Office
or given in person. Credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express) or electronic
check payments are made online through a third party vendor, Transact/CASHNet.

  • Statements will be processed and sent electronically the first of each month during the term.
  • An email will be sent to each student and any authorized user when statements are ready to be viewed.
  • All transactions can be viewed in the Activity Detail tab in Transact/CASHNet.
  • Accounts not paid in full may be subject to a 6.5% per annum interest charge compounded monthly.


Residence Halls

Stephens Hall will house men during the summer term. Pryor Hall will house women during the summer term.

No refunds on housing charges for withdrawal during any summer session.

Double Occupancy Single Occupancy
Intersession/Short Session $199 per person $250 per person
Summer I and Summer II $430 per person $537 per person


Meal Plans

Meal swipes expire on the last day of each session. Please contact Angela Collett to purchase summer meal plans and declining balances.

No refunds on meal plans for withdrawal during any summer session.



Students may select from any plan, regardless of classification.

Plan Description Price per session
1 30 meals
$20 declining balance
2 24 meals
$20 declining balance
3 16 meals
$20 declining balance


Summer I and Summer II

Plan Description Price per session
1 68 meals
$40 declining balance
2 52 meals
$40 declining balance
3 $36 meals
$40 declining balance
John Noah

John Noah

Penny Bohannan

Penny Bohannan
Office Manager

  • Vocational Rehab
  • State Pre-paid Programs
Angela Collett

Angela Collett
Program Coordinator

  • Transact/CASHNet
  • Dining Plans
  • Housing Deposits
Patricia Curtis

Patricia Curtis

Tish Elrod

Tish Elrod

Sandra Frazier

Sandra Frazier
Assistant Director

  • Undergraduate Accounts
  • Graduate Accounts
  • Refund Management
Angie Shafer

Angie Shafer
Assistant Director

  • International Programs

Contact Information

Business Office

Mailing address:
Harding University
Business Office
HU 10770
Searcy, AR 72149-5615