Faculty Leadership Council

Meet the Faculty Leadership Council (FLC)

(First Row, L to R):

Amy Cox (Past President, Arts and Sciences)

Mary Madill (Secretary, Allied Health)

Anessa Westbrook (President, Bible)

Karen Corker (Member-at-large, Business)


(Second Row, L to R):

Britton Lynn (Member-at-large, Theatre)

Glen Metheny (Treasurer, Business)

John Richard Duke (Vice-President/President-Elect, History and ASI)


Purpose of the FLC

The FLC members include a President, Vice-President/President-Elect, Immediate Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, and two at-large members.

Faculty Constitution and ByLaws pdf

This form is designed for members of the Instructional Faculty of Harding University to provide input and feedback to the members of the Faculty Leadership Council.

Instructional faculty are a subset of the faculty whose primary role is teaching. An instructional faculty member is:

  • a full-time employee of the university,
  • having the academic rank of Instructor or above, and
  • whose primary duty is instructional, meaning at least six faculty load hours per semester or the equivalent, which includes classroom teaching, laboratory supervision, clinical or field supervision, library instruction, and/or research.

Log in with your Harding account to use the form below.

Feedback Form

The FLC members shall include a FLC President, Vice-President/President Elect, Immediate Past President, Secretary and Treasurer. In addition to the five council members who hold these offices, the faculty shall elect two at-large members to bring the total number of members of the FLC to seven. All seven council members shall be elected from past and/or current members of any University-level Faculty Committees. They shall be chosen by the instructional faculty at the end of each academic year to coincide with other Faculty Committee elections. No college shall be represented by more than two FLC members.

Each FLC member is elected to a two- or three-year term as specified below. All members must be elected by a majority vote of participating instructional faculty. In addition to having served on a University-level committee, the members of the FLC must meet the following criteria: hold a rank of Assistant Professor or higher and have been an instructional faculty member at Harding University for at least five consecutive years.

Each year, one instructional faculty member will be elected to the position of Vice-President/President Elect. The Vice-President/President Elect will serve in that role for one year before assuming the role of President in the second year. That individual will then serve as Immediate Past President in the third year after election. The Secretary of the FLC will be elected in odd-numbered years and will serve a two-year term. The Treasurer will be elected in even-numbered years and will also serve a two-year term.

The two members who are not office holders shall be elected, one in odd-numbered years, and the other in even-numbered years, each for a two-year term.

FLC members are not eligible for immediate re-election once their term expires, but may be re-elected to the FLC after a hiatus of at least one academic year. No instructional faculty member may serve more than three terms in any position on the FLC.

The President of the Faculty Leadership Council shall preside at meetings of the Faculty Leadership Council and faculty forums. The FLC President shall also represent the instructional faculty in meetings of the administration when instructional representation is requested by the administration, or when requested by the Faculty Leadership Council (FLC) and accepted by the administration. The FLC President will serve as a liaison to the Provost.

The Vice-President/President Elect shall preside at meetings of the Faculty Leadership Council and faculty forums in the absence of the FLC President and shall represent the instructional faculty at meetings of the administration where instructional faculty representation is required when the FLC President is unable to attend.

The Immediate Past President shall advise the FLC President and other FLC members to help maintain continuity from one academic year to the next.

The duties of the Secretary shall be to keep the minutes of each meeting of the faculty and FLC, to distribute them prior to the next meeting, and to furnish all members of the faculty with a copy of the approved minutes following their approval. The Secretary will maintain a list of instructional faculty. The Secretary will also maintain a list of faculty committees that includes the members of each committee. The Secretary will also ensure that all faculty votes in a faculty forum meet the minimum standard of 50% plus one of a quorum of voting members.

The duties of the Treasurer shall be to receive and disburse faculty dues in keeping with the guidelines in Article VI, Section I and II of the Faculty Constitution. The treasurer shall receive and expend, on proper authorization, funds accrued to this organization. Authorization must be given by the faculty, but in case of emergency may be authorized by the University President or Provost.

>Members of the FLC are subject to removal if a petition for removal that includes the names of 25% of the members of the instructional faculty is submitted to any member of the FLC. Removal of an FLC member requires a vote of the instructional faculty with a quorum present and a two-thirds majority vote of the quorum in favor of removal. In such cases, the FLC member shall be removed immediately, and that individual is no longer eligible to be an FLC member.

Group photo of inaugural Faculty Leadership Council members 2019-2020

Inaugural Faculty Leadership Council Members 2019-2020 (L to R):

Laurie Diles (Secretary, Arts & Humanties)
Allen Diles (Member-at-large, Bible)
Tim Baird (Member-at-large, Sciences)
Jenene Alexander (President, Education)
Debbie Duke (Member-at-large, Sciences)
Glen Metheny (Treasurer, Business)
Scott Adair (Vice-President/President Elect, Bible)


Group photo of Faculty Leadership Council members 2020-2021

Faculty Leadership Council Members 2020-2021:

(First Row, L to R):
Laurie Diles (Secretary, Arts & Humanties)
Jenene Alexander (Past-President, Education)
Anessa Westbrook (Member-at-large, Bible)

(Second Row, L to R):
Tim Baird (Member-at-large, Sciences)
Ron Smith (Vice-President/President Elect, Sciences)
Michael Claxton (Treasurer, Arts & Humanties)
Scott Adair (President, Bible)


Group photo of Faculty Leadership Council members 2021-2022

Faculty Leadership Council Members 2021-2022:

(First Row, L to R):
Ron Smith (President, Sciences)
Melanie Meeker (Secretary, Allied Health)
Anessa Westbrook (Member-at-large, Bible)
Travis McNeal (Vice-President/President Elect, Sciences)

(Second Row, L to R):
Michael Claxton (Treasurer, Arts & Humanties)
Scott Adair (Past President, Bible)
Clay Beason (Member-at-large, Education)


Group photo of Faculty Leadership Council members 2022-2023

Faculty Leadership Council Members 2022-2023:

(First Row, L to R):
Travis McNeal (President, Sciences)
Melanie Meeker (Secretary, Allied Health)
Hannah Wood (Treasurer, College Group)
Amy Cox (Vice-President/President Elect, Arts & Humanities)
Shawn Daggett (Member-at-large, Bible)

(Second Row, L to R):
Ron Smith (Past President, Sciences)
Clay Beason (Member-at-large, Education)


Group photo of Faculty Leadership Council members 2023-2024

Faculty Leadership Council Members 2023-2024:

(First Row, L to R):
Travis McNeal (Past President, Sciences)
Hannah Wood (Treasurer, College Group)
Amy Cox (President, Arts & Humanities)
Mary Madill (Secretary, Allied Health)

(Second Row, L to R):
Anessa Westbrook (Vice-President/President Elect, Bible)
Britton Lynn (Member-at-large, Theatre)
Shawn Daggett (Member-at-large, Bible)


Contact Information

Faculty Leadership Council (FLC)