Helping students with their technology needs
Our Help Desk is located in the Administration Building room 205 or can be reached at 501-279-4545.
Computer Accounts
If you do not already have your Harding username/password, please go to and click on “Student Access” and then “Activate my Account” at the bottom right of the page. After providing some information and setting up your password, you will be given your username. Your account will need to be set up before you can register for classes.
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
All Harding accounts (including student accounts) are now using Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for security. For information on how to set up MFA, please see:
Have questions about MFA? Please reference the FAQs for MFA or give DormNet a call at 501-279-4545.
Wireless Access
All on-campus housing — dorms, Village and Legacy Park apartments — utilize Harding’s Wi-Fi service. Please choose HU-STUDENT for your wireless access.
After connecting your device to the wireless network, you will be directed to a webpage where you will be asked to register your device. After answering some basic questions, we will verify that your device has up-to-date antivirus software and that the operating system is up to date. Once everything has been verified, your will have access to the internet.
Please note: Some devices, like smart TVs, gaming devices, streaming devices, etc., may need some additional set up to work on our network. If you have problems connecting these devices, please give us a call at 501-279-4545, and we will help you get it connected. Wireless access is also available in most of the public buildings.
Please do not use HU-GUEST if you are a Harding student. HU-GUEST is designed for visitors to the University who do not have a Harding username/password. You will have more access and more bandwidth if you use HU-STUDENT.
Office 365
All current Harding University students may download Office 365 for free. After you have registered for your classes and have access to the Student section in Pipeline, you can download it.
Public Computer Labs
There are 10 public computing labs available for student use. There also are several other departmental labs available for specific majors. High-speed printers and any required class software (in addition to the Microsoft Office Suite) are available in the public labs.
Pipeline is a portal used to manage your financial aid, register for classes and view you grades. It is important to activate your Pipeline account as soon as possible.
- Go to
- Click on “Student Access”
- Click “Activate My Account” and fill out the form
- You will be assigned a username and will create your password when
activating your account.
For more detailed information and instructions on using Pipeline see How to Use Pipeline.
Hours of Operation
Regular Semester Hours:
- Monday-Thursday — 10 a.m. - 10 p.m.
- Friday — 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
- Sunday — 7-10 p.m.
Summer Hours:
- Monday-Friday — 8 a.m. - 12 p.m., 1-5 p.m.