Postal Services

Mailing services for all of campus

The Harding University Post Office, located on the first floor of the Hammon Student Center, provides mailing services on and off campus. It is run by a friendly staff dedicated to meet your postal needs.

Contact us at 501-279-4374.


Addressing mail to Harding

Harding University
Name (or Department)
HU 00000  (use "HU" instead of "Box")
Searcy, AR 72149-5615


Campus Mail Hours of Operation

Monday — 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Tuesday-Friday — 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
Saturday-Sunday — Closed
Closes at 4:30 p.m. in the summer.


Mailing Center (Bulk Mail) Hours of Operation

Monday — 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Tuesday-Friday — 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
Saturday-Sunday — Closed
Closes at 4:40 p.m. in the summer.


Campus Mail provides limited delivery of large parcels addressed to university student and departments from USPS, FedEx, UPS and DHL.


Delivery/Pickup Locations

There are three delivery and pickup locations on campus; Postal Services and the Stock Room. When sending an item out from the Post Office, utilizing a call tag, please promptly bring the item to Campus Mail. 


Intra-Departmental Mail Delivery Confirmation Service

If delivery confirmation is required, bring the mail piece(s) to the Campus Mail customer service window.  You will be required to complete a short, simple, form. When the mail piece is delivered you will be sent signature confirmation via your departmental box. All personal cash/checks should be mailed through Campus Mail utilizing our Delivery Confirmation process. (This does not apply to checks being mailed from university departments).



All checks should be hand delivered to a postal employee.  Do not place in drop box!


Authorization for Intra-Campus Mass Mail Distribution

Requirements: Approval must be obtained prior to material being printed and cut. A three days’ notice is required. 


Mail Returned to Campus Mail

Mail returned from a department to Campus mail should not have writing on the mail piece. The United States Postal Services has requested Harding University discontinue writing on returned mail. We request returned items be delivered with a note attached to the mail piece identifying the problem and suggested corrective action.


Harding University Departmental Boxes

Faculty/staff should be reminded that all incoming departmental mail processed by Campus Mail Services must be University-business related. Departmental Mail is directed to the box number indicated on the mail-piece regardless of name. Personal mail and packages should not be addressed to departmental boxes. Since these boxes are for departmental use only, mail cannot be forwarded from a departmental box.


Changing Your Departmental Address

A change of your campus location must be acted upon promptly. If an employee transfers to a different department or leaves the University, please inform Campus Mail of the necessary Banner changes to be made.

The Mailing Center offers creative solutions to meet your bulk mailing needs. As an automated mailing center we can take your printed materials and provide you with several mailing options:

  • We can automatically print your Excel mailing address list and presort (barcode) your mail. Presorting can save substantial postage costs over a First Class mailing.
  • We can take your unfolded materials and insert them (up to five pieces: 2 full size sheets and 3 smaller pieces) into an envelope and seal them – all done automatically.
  • We can take your flyers or brochures and automatically tab them.
  • We will prepare your bulk mailing and deliver to USPS.

In addition, we do not charge Harding Departments for our services. We only charge for the postage, which will be billed to your account.


What do I need for a bulk mailing job?

Work Request Form (pdf)

How to Complete the Work Request form (pdf)

Creating a Mail List in Excel (pdf)

Postage Bulk Mailing Options (pdf)

Specifications for Inserting Mail (pdf)


What steps do I take to get my mail out?

Please remember that all mailings must FIRST be approved by Public Relations (501-279-4316).

Before you plan your mailing please call us! We can save you time and frustration in offering our expertise in the best way to get your mail out smoothly and quickly. We can help you decide things like: The size of mail piece can be automated versus hand stuffed.

  • How to set up your materials to gain a cheaper postage rate.
  • How to avoid wasting printing costs for mail pieces that will not meet USPS mailing regulations (and thus having to reprint).
  • The type of paper which will automate best and which type will not.

Fill out, sign and send your Work Request Form as soon as possible so it can be placed on our calendar. (Be sure you have the latest Work Request form from above).

Send your Excel Mailing List to (Download “Creating a Mailing List in Excel” from above).

Be sure to indicate to HU Press where you want your printed materials sent, otherwise it will be sent to your department. Generally, we prefer to receive the materials directly from HU Press unless you intend your mailing to go out more than two weeks after delivery. If this is the case, please have the materials sent to your department. We do not have the space to store materials long term.


Important mailing tips

We cannot begin your bulk mailing job until we have three things:

  • A completed and signed Work Request
  • The print materials
  • An Excel Address Mailing List

Once we have these three things we require three working days to complete a mailing job. If the job is more complex, or the Mailing Center calendar is already full, it may take longer. It is your responsibility to ensure the Mailing Center has the three items listed above.

When sending the Mailing List; the Domestic, Foreign and Campus lists must each have their own page. They do not have to be three separate Excel files, rather create three different pages in one Excel file.

Do not worry about pre-folding materials; we can automate. In fact, it is generally quicker to have HU Press deliver your raw materials directly to the Mailing Center.

NOTE: Material quality does affect our machines – warped envelopes, sheets, and inserts not only make a job more difficult for our machines, but can also damage them.

We are here to help you effectively and efficiently send your bulk mail! If you have any questions about getting your bulk mail out, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Karen Friar, Mailing Center Supervisor


Contact Information

Postal Services

Mailing address:
Harding University
Postal Services
HU 10000
Searcy, AR 72149-5615