
When can I register?

Fall and spring registration is open through the first five days of the semester (the first week of classes). In addition, new students admitted for fall may register during Bison Bound orientation sessions held during the summer. Returning students typically are permitted to preregister near the end of each semester for the following semester. Registration for all other terms is through the first two class days of the term. Registration will be completed on Pipeline for regular fall, spring and summer classes.

First-Time College Students: Registration for first-time college students will be processed during Bison Bound, which is held twice during the summer or during Student Impact just prior to classes beginning. Contact the Office of Admissions for details. Students must be advised prior to access to registration. All students are required to attend a session of orientation. Students who were dual enrolled earning college credit during high school should submit all high school and college transcripts before registration. Students must order college transcripts from the college where they earned the credit, and have official transcripts sent directly to the Harding Admissions office.

Transfer Students: Registration for transfer students will be announced each semester. All new students, including transfers, are required to be advised prior to receiving access to registration. Contact the Registrar's office for dates not listed or for assistance with registration. Transfer students must be accepted by the Office of Admissions. To be fully accepted, students must have submitted all transfer transcripts. Students should submit all transcripts and each course will be evaluated by the registrar. This process is lengthy and complex and may take extra time. Students should be aware of this delay and bring a copy with them for advising purposes to ensure that duplicate enrollment is not done. Questions may be submitted to at any time during this process.

Readmit Students: Registration for readmit students will be announced each semester. Readmit students will be required to visit with an advisor prior to access to registration. Contact the Registrar's office for dates not listed or for assistance with the process. Readmit students who attended another college before returning must submit all transcripts to the Registrar's office prior to being permitted to register for classes.

It is important for students who enroll in classes and decide not to attend to drop their classes for that term to avoid having grades of “F” recorded for those classes. To receive a refund, students should follow the refund schedule published by the Business Office. Students who quit attending after registration may be given a "WF" and it will calculate in the grade point average as a failing grade.

Faculty members serve as academic advisors and should approve all course schedules. Students are assigned to faculty in their majors or pre-professional fields. Students who have not declared a major are assigned to the Academic Advising Center, where they will be assisted with advising until a major is chosen and an advisor assigned. Students may access their degree evaluation on Pipeline.

Students may register for courses on a non-credit basis. No grade will be assigned. The fee for auditing a course is located in the current catalog. Students must have approval to add a class for audit.

While attending Harding a student may not enroll at another institution at the same time without prior approval. Students should be familiar with the process of approval for concurrent enrollment and they should understand that classes may not transfer to Harding University when enrolled at another institution at the same time. To petition for approval, the student should submit a completed form to the registrar prior to enrolling in classes. The Transfer Course Pre-Approval form is located in the Registrar Forms section of the student's Pipeline account.

Harding students cannot be concurrently enrolled at another school during their first semester of enrollment at Harding, or during the semester of graduation from Harding. During a student's first and final semesters of enrollment at Harding, all classes must be Harding classes.

During the first five days of the fall and spring semesters, students may make changes to their schedules through their Pipeline account with no fee charged. After the first five days of the semester, students must submit a signed Drop Notice to the Registrar's office to drop a class. A fee is charged (see “Special Fees” section). No class can be added following the close of registration (see registration) for any term. Students should review the catalog for dates for summer and parts of term classes.

Any class dropped without official University approval is recorded as “F.” Courses dropped prior to the Monday of the third week do not appear on the transcript and does not affect the grade point average. Classes dropped after Monday of the third week will be assigned a grade of “W” (withdrew) and the grade point average is not affected. Students who quit attending class without officially processing the drop or withdrawal may be assigned a "WF" (failing) grade and the grade point will be affected.

The last day to drop a class during a regular semester is Wednesday of the 14th week. Please refer to the catalog for drop days for short-term courses and for refund policy. Classes may not be dropped after this date. However, students may seek special approval to completely withdraw from school after the drop deadline.

Students enrolled in 12 or more hours per semester are classified as full-time students. Those enrolled in fewer than 12 hours per semester are classified as part-time students. However, part-time students who enroll in more than 8 hours per semester are subject to Bible-course and chapel-attendance policies. Students should be aware that some scholarships have minimum requirements. The maximum a student may enroll in classes is 18. Students who qualify for an increase up to 21 hours must seek approval. The request for overload form is located on the student's Pipeline Account.

Students from other countries are encouraged to visit our Admissions page for information about attending the university as an international student.

Late registration, including adding a class, may be permitted for students not enrolled by the first class day (see registration) with special permission. However, late registration, including adding a class, is not permitted after Monday of the second week (sixth day of class) of the fall and spring semesters, and after the second day of all other terms. A late fee and approval by the registrar are required. Exact dates will be announced each semester.

Students are encouraged to complete classes during the summer; however, students are required to receive pre-approval from the registrar before enrolling in another institution during the summer. The student’s degree plan and their academic progress will be reviewed prior to approval. Transfer credit completed while on suspension will not be accepted. The form is located on the student's Pipeline account.

Student grades are available online via Harding's Pipeline.

  • Grades are not mailed.
  • If you need help in accessing your grades online, please call the Student Help Desk (DormNet) at 501-279-4545.
  • If you need an unofficial transcript of your entire academic history, go to
  • If you need an official transcript of your entire academic history, you may complete and submit the form on your Pipeline account.
  • Students who need a copy of the semester grades for official purposes may contact the Registrar's Office and complete the request form.

Student grade reports are education records under FERPA, and access is therefore restricted under FERPA rules and regulations.

Students who transfer to Harding University should request an official transcript be sent to the University during the admissions process. After the admissions process has been completed and the student has been admitted, the Registrar’s office will evaluate the transcript to award transfer credit.

Regionally accredited institutions: To assist with the transcript evaluation, students should be aware that the previous college or university must be regionally accredited for credit to be accepted routinely. Some courses will transfer as an equivalent to a Harding course while other courses may be transferred as an elective course.

Equivalency Tables: To see what is equivalent credit, students may check Course Equivalency elsewhere on this page. Harding accepts most liberal arts courses from regionally-accredited schools. You may also send course descriptions to to have the course reviewed.

Transfer from non-regionally accredited institutions:Students who attended a non-accredited institution should be aware that these courses may not transfer. For these courses, the student will be required to submit course descriptions before the Registrar can complete the validation process. It is important for students transferring from non-regionally accredited schools to understand that this process may not be accomplished prior to admissions. The evaluation process takes time and it may be completed during the first semester of enrollment at Harding. Students should visit with the Transcript Coordinator in the Registrar's Office prior to enrolling in classes. Advisors and the Transcript Coordinator will work together to ensure the student does not repeat courses not needed. However, accreditation issues are important and transfer courses must meet the content and the credit hour requirements of Harding University.

After the evaluation has been completed, awarded credit will be recorded on the Harding University transcript. Students may view the accepted credit on their Harding transcript via their Pipeline account. Except for international schools, transfer credit will be calculated in the grade point average (GPA).

Transfer students with a low GPA who are admitted to the University will be placed in an academic warning status. Students with a low GPA are strongly encouraged to visit with the Academic Advising Center or with their assigned advisor to review their transcript. Courses with low grades may need to be repeated. Earning a higher grade in a repeated course may assist in raising the GPA and remove any warning or probation status. However, prior to repeating a course, students should consult with the office of financial aid if receiving financial aid, or with the VA certifying official if receive VA benefits.

Contact the Registrar’s Office at 501-279-4057 or email with questions regarding transfer of credit.

Transferring from an Arkansas college or university? Students who are transferring between colleges in Arkansas may click on the box on the right lower corner and review transferable courses.

Harding accepts most liberal arts courses completed at Arkansas public schools.

It is the student's responsibility to know and understand the registration deadlines and dates. Refer to the academic catalog for details.

Students may drop all classes, except the last one, through Pipeline before classes begin; they must contact the Registrar's office to drop the final class. Students who register and do not attend and do not drop may be charged full tuition.

During the first five days of the semester in the fall and spring semesters, students may make changes to their schedules through Pipeline with no fee charged. After the first five days of classes, students must submit a signed Drop/Add Notice to the Registrar. A fee is charged (see “Special Fees” section) per transaction.

Courses dropped prior to the Monday of the second week do not appear on the transcript. Classes dropped after Monday of the second week will be assigned a grade of “W” (withdrew) and the grade point average is not affected.

The grade for any course not completed and not officially dropped will be an “F” and will count in the student’s GPA. Courses dropped by the 6th class day for fall and spring semesters do not appear on the transcript. Classes dropped after the 6th class day are assigned a grade of “W” (withdrew); the grade point average is not affected. The last day to drop a class is Wednesday of the 14th week for fall and spring terms; Thursday of the second week for two-week terms; Wednesday of the fourth week for four-week terms; Tuesday of the sixth week for six-week terms; and Monday of the eighth week for eight-week terms; Friday of the tenth week of an eleven week term; Thursday of the 11th week of a twelve week term. See the academic calendar or important dates on Pipeline for specific dates during the semester.

Students who need to completely withdraw after classes begin must contact the Student Life Office to follow the withdrawal procedure. This is important so the student's record will not be affected. Students who quit attending may receive a WF grade from the teacher.

Contact Information

Mailing address:
Harding University
Registrar's Office
HU 10766
Searcy, AR 72149-5615