Location |
Harding is located in Searcy, Arkansas, a community of almost 23,000 residents 50 miles northeast of Little Rock and 105 miles west of Memphis, Tennessee |
Student Body |
4,608 students representing 48 states and more than 50 nations and territories |
Faculty |
Harding employs more than 300 faculty members, 72% of whom hold terminal degrees |
Type of University |
Harding is a four-year, private, residential coeducational liberal arts university. |
Church Affiliation |
Harding is affiliated with the churches of Christ. |
Harding offers undergraduate degrees in more than 110 academic majors, more than 40 graduate and professional programs, and 14 preprofessional programs. Academics are housed in 8 colleges: allied health, arts and sciences, Bible and ministry, business administration, education, nursing, pharmacy and honors. |
Study Abroad
Nearly 30% of each graduating class has spent a semester at one of Harding’s international programs in Zambia, Australasia, Latin America, Europe, Greece and Florence. |
Athletics |
Harding is a member of the Great American Conference, NCAA Division II. More than 400 athletes compete in 18 intercollegiate sports offered at Harding. |
Average Undergraduate Expenses |
Harding's total annual cost (including housing, food and fees) is $33,468. |
Financial Assistance |
Nearly 95% of students receive financial assistance. |
Campus |
Harding’s Searcy campus has 57 buildings on 350 acres. |
Accolades |
2022-23 # 1 Best Christian University by EdSmart 2024 Best Regional Colleges by The Princeton Review 2023-24 College of Distinction: Career Development 2023-24 Christian College of Distinction 2023-24 Colelge of Distinction
Careers |
Alumni have gone on to careers with employers including Amazon.com Inc, Apple, Inc., Boeing Co., Broadway productions, CIA, Deloitte, Google LLC, LinkedIn, Lockheed Martin Corp., Mayo Clinic, NASA, Nike, Southwest Airlines Co. and more.
Graduates have also gone on to top-tier graduate schools including Columbia University, Duke University, Harvard University, Johns Hopkins University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Princeton University, University of Chicago, Vanderbilt University, Yale University and more.