Spaces are filled on a first come, first served basis
Approximately 30% of Harding students study abroad during their time at Harding—some even participate in multiple study abroad programs. Due to this high level of interest, spaces are filled on a first come, first served basis. Most of our programs are limited to 35-40 students. Applications for all programs are accepted at any time. The earlier you apply, the less likely you are to be placed on a waiting list.
Completion of the application form at the bottom of this page will secure your position on the list for your selected program. Shortly after you apply, someone from the International Programs office will email you to confirm that we have received your application and to inform you whether you are on the main list or the waiting list of your program.
Please read everything on the application. It contains information about eligibility and the $500 application fee that will be charged to your student account once you submit the application. Please go to your program’s specific page to see its cost breakdown section. All six semester-long programs (HUF, HUG, HUE, HULA, HUA or HIZ) cost the same but the department-specific programs vary.
Transfer Form
If you have already signed up for a program but need to change programs (i.e. HUG to HULA), semesters (summer to spring) and/or years (2023 to 2024), please complete the Transfer Form.
Cancellation Form
If you need to cancel from a program that you have signed up for, please complete the Cancellation Form.