Mostly Music students are charged for 11 credit hours. A minimum of 11 credit hours must be maintained throughout the semester. If you enroll in more than 11 credit hours, you will be charged for those hours. Courses may be subject to change, with the possible addition of other music courses. No student is eligible to attend an international program who is currently on academic, chapel or disciplinary probation on the Searcy campus. Any student who has applied and/or been accepted will automatically become ineligible if placed on any type of probation up until time to depart. Such individuals will be placed on a waiting list and may go only if there are openings after probation has been removed. In addition, a student must have an overall 2.0 GPA.
BMIN 3000 - Hymnology (2 or 3)
A historical/cultural overview of the role of music in ancient Jewish worship and of congregational singing in the Christian church from the First Century to the present. Emphasis on major publications and musical and poetical forms.
MUS 3220 – Music History II (3)
Music history, literature, analysis and culture of the Classical and Romantic eras.
MUS 3224 – World Music (3)
A study of the music of world cultures, primarily those of non-Western origins. Emphasis is placed on understanding the function, history and philosophy of music in cultural contexts. Includes the study of musical elements from a variety of musical traditions, in-class performance of non-Western music and research on specific world musical cultures.
MUS 1010 – Music Appreciation (3)
The role of music in world cultures, with attention given to correlative developments in other arts. Does not count toward any music major.
HUM 2730 - World Civilization and Humanities (2-3)
An integration of the disciplines of art, drama, history, literature, music, philosophy, religion and science, and their influence in shaping ideas and values in the selected area of the world. The course content will reflect the context in which it will be taught. May substitute for 2-3 hours selected from the following: ART 1010, THEA 1010, ENG 2010 or ENG 2020, HIST 2100 or HIST 2110, MUS 1010, PHIL 3010, or up to 3 hours of Global Perspectives. This course may be repeated for credit up to a maximum of 12 hours, provided the course is taken at different locations. This course may not be taken as a repeat for a completed liberal arts course or to satisfy an additional liberal arts requirement. Determine how you intend to apply the credits, then enroll in the appropriate number of hours. Credit may not be increased after the semester is completed. Prior to the semester abroad, students must apply the credits to the appropriate course(s).
COMM 1010 – Communication Principles (3)
Instruction and practice in the theory and skills of public and interpersonal communication. Research, organization, and delivery of speeches. Development of critical listening skills for evaluative purposes. Emphasis on nonverbal, small group, and multicultural communication in a digitally connected world.
BUS 2510 – Personal Finance for College Students (online) (1) : An overview of key and essential elements of personal finance that a college student needs to understand even before they leave college. This seminar course is designed to familiarize the student with issues of personal finances that will have long-lasting benefits once the student graduates. All six modules are intricately tied to the Biblical concept of stewardship.
ECON 2010 – Macroeconomics (online) (3): The overall workings of the economy and its major subdivisions; our economic system, business cycles, money and banking, national income accounts and stabilization policy.