Scholarships and Financial Aid

Financial Aid

We know you've been working hard to get to this point, and that matters to us. That's why more than 90 percent of our undergraduate students receive financial aid, with approximately $60 million awarded annually.

Through completing the FAFSA forms and working with the Office of Financial Aid Services on campus, grants, loans and scholarships are available to students. Not all scholarships listed have funds available, and you can’t apply directly for these scholarships. Information about new scholarships, scholarships requiring a separate application and other sources of scholarship funds are available by contacting the Office of Financial Aid Services. You can also call their office at 501-279-4257. Learn more about graduate and professional scholarships and grants as well as financial aid options for Graduate Programs.

Please note that scholarships on this page are subject to change and are updated regularly.



Whether you've earned an academic scholarship or qualify for need-based grants, we're working to help make Harding affordable for every student.


Tuition and Fees

Expense Semester Year
Tuition ($876 per hour) $13,140 $26,280
Technology Fee $336 $672
Housing $2,368 $4,750
Food (All access meal plan) $2,600 $5,200
Billable Costs Payable to Harding $18,444 $36,902

NOTICE: This information provided as a general guideline for planning purposes only.

Learn more about Federal Financial Aid Cost of Attendance and see a comprehensive listing of expenses that may be associated with enrollment.

Dorm fee includes 3 loads of laundry per week. All potential fees listed at This information is subject to change without notice.

**For students enrolled in 12 hours or less, the Technology Fee is calculated based upon the number of hours enrolled.


More Information

Federal Pell Grant and Federal SEOG Grant

Apply for these programs by submitting the FAFSA.

Federal TEACH Grant/Loan

Grant for undergraduate and graduate students willing to teach low income students in a high need field. Available undergraduate and graduate students. Obligates student to a four year service requirement after graduation, otherwise converts to a loan. To apply, must complete online Teach Grant Counseling and an Agreement to Serve.

Scholarships are awarded to admitted freshmen and are calculated on a combination of test scores and high school GPA. Scholarship amounts range from $7,000 to $11,000 per year for four years or eight semesters. Students may retake the ACT, SAT or CLT through July after their senior year to improve their scores and increase their scholarship amount. Recipients must be enrolled full time (12 hours) and maintain a GPA of 3.0. Please see the standardized test score chart.


 scholarship chart

The Trustee Scholar Award is an esteemed scholarship offering full tuition, specially extended to a select group of incoming freshmen. These recipients are chosen from a pool of candidates who meet the following qualifications:

  • An ACT score or superscore of 31 or higher.
  • An SAT combined Critical Reading and Math score of 1390 or higher.
  • A CLT score of 100 or higher.
  • A high school GPA of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale.

Important Note: Official scores must be received before January 1 of the student’s enrollment year.

To be considered for this prestigious scholarship, candidates must complete a Trustee Scholar application and successfully partake in an interview. Once awarded, Trustee Scholars are expected to uphold a minimum GPA of 3.25 and reside in on-campus housing.

In addition to the full tuition scholarship, recipients are granted admission into the Honors College as Honors Scholars.

National Merit Semifinalist

Awarded to incoming freshmen who are selected as Semifinalists in the National Merit or National Achievement scholarship program and have selected Harding University as their first-choice university with the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. The award for this scholarship is full undergraduate tuition. Recipients must maintain a GPA of 3.25 and live in campus housing.

National Merit Finalist

Awarded to incoming freshmen who are selected as Finalists in the National Merit scholarship program and have selected Harding University as their first-choice university with the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. The award for this scholarship is full undergraduate tuition and a $2,000 annual stipend. Recipients must maintain a GPA of 3.25 and live in campus housing.

The Harding Grant

Amount: $3,000
Requirements: Submit FAFSA and be accepted for undergraduate admission

The Harding Grant was established due to Harding University's commitment to making Christian higher education more affordable. While Harding is consistently ranked a “Best College for the Money” by Money Magazine and College Factual, we recognize that additional financial assistance is needed in certain cases. Harding strives to make it possible for all students to discover their inspired purpose here.

To be considered for the Harding Grant, please complete the FAFSA beginning October 1 of your senior year of high school. The FAFSA will be used to determine your Expected Family Contribution. Once Harding receives your FAFSA, you will be considered for need-based federal, state and institutional grants including the Harding Grant. Need-based grants will be communicated to students on their award letters which are sent to admitted students in late fall and spring each year.

Women for Harding

Scholarships are available for male and female members of a church of Christ based on financial need. The award amount varies. One letter of recommendation is required. For more information visit The application deadline is February 15.


The Harding Guarantee

  • The Harding Guarantee is a last dollar scholarship that — when combined with a student's eligibility for federal, state and Harding scholarships, grants, and/or discounts —will pay 100% of students remaining tuition costs. It does not cover fees, housing or food charges.  


    Harding Guarantee Eligibility Criteria:

  • Students must be admitted to Harding University. 

  • Students must be Arkansas residents who have been awarded the AR Challenge Scholarship or Governor's Scholarship and retain that eligibility each year. The deadline to submit the AR Challenge Scholarship is July 1. 

  • Students must complete the FAFSA and submit it to Harding each year. 

  • Students must qualify for the MAXIMUM Federal Pell Grant each year.

  • Students must maintain a cumulative overall college GPA of 3.0 or higher.

  • The Guarantee does not restrict a student from borrowing federal or private loans to assist with textbooks, housing, food, fees or any other non-tuition expenses.

  • The Guarantee is awarded for a maximum of 4 years / 8 undergraduate semesters and is only available to first-time freshmen.

    The Guarantee does not place restrictions on hours of enrollment. However, recipients must enroll in the minimum number of hours required for eligibility of Arkansas Scholarships. See for details.

All discounts are valid for a maximum of four years (eight semesters) of undergraduate education. Recipients must be enrolled full-time (at least 12 hours) each semester. 

Church Leadership — Discounted Counseling Skills Certificate

Through the College of Education's Department of Mental Health and Wellness, the Graduate Certificate in Counseling Skills is offered to church ministers, shepherds and ministry leaders at a significantly reduced rate. The cost of the first class is $250 with the remaining classes 50% off. For more information see Certificate in Counseling Skills or contact us at 501-279-4500 or

Orphan Discount

Awarded to children who have lost both parents through death and remained a ward of the state until age 18 (evidenced by court documentation), or to any resident of a church of Christ affiliated Christian children's home who has been legally and permanently separated from both parents (as certified by an administrator of the children's home). The award amount is 25% tuition.

Veterans Benefits and Yellow Ribbon Program

Veteran benefits plus a contribution from Harding total full tuition and fees for qualified students. Begin the process by obtaining a Certificate of Eligibility from the Department of Veterans Affairs. All Harding grant/scholarship awards will be included when calculating the Harding University Yellow Ribbon award. To apply, submit your Certificate of Eligibility and DD Form 214 to Harding University.

Mail to:
Harding University
Registrar's Office
HU 10766
Searcy, AR 72149-0766

Phone: 501-279-4457

Fax: 501-279-4388


Awarded to unmarried dependents of full-time ministers (pulpit, youth, worship, etc.) or missionaries serving and living outside the United States or full-time K-12 Christian school employees or full-time Christian college employees at qualifying institutions. The K-12 school must be a member of the National Christian School Association or The Council on Educational Standards and Accountability. The award amount is $4,000 per year. This scholarship may be combined with other institutional scholarships but may not exceed full tuition and is valid for a maximum of four years (eight semesters) of undergraduate education. Recipients must be enrolled full-time (at least 12 hours) each semester. Recipients are only eligible for one Christian Ministers and Educators Scholarship regardless of whether both parents qualify. Complete the Christian Ministers and Educators Discount Scholarship Request Form pdf to apply.

Transfer Student Scholarships

Awarded to transfer students (transferring 14 hours or more) enrolling at the main campus with a GPA of 2.5 or greater. Award amounts range from $4,000 to $8,000 per year. Recipients must maintain a GPA of 3.0. Only Harding courses will be considered in GPA calculation.

Living on campus:

4.00 - $8,000 per year
3.50 to 3.99 - $7,000 per year
3.00 to 3.49 - $5,000 per year
2.50 to 2.99 - $4,000 per year

Living off campus:

4.00 - $3,000 per year
3.50 to 3.99 - $2,500 per year
3.00 to 3.49 - $2,000 per year
2.50 to 2.99 - $1,500 per year

Walton International Scholarship Program

Information is available on the Walton International Scholarship Program webpage.
Deadline: October 31

Scholarships for Arkansans

  • Carter Admissions Scholarship — This scholarship is awarded to students from Northwest Arkansas who plan to attend Harding University and demonstrate financial need.
    • Deadlines: Will be outlined in the letter sent to those who qualify
    • Application: Will be sent to those who qualify in the spring semester of their senior year
  • Jimmy and Donna Smith Endowed Scholarship Fund — Preference for this fund is given to studentsfrom Van Buren County in Arkansas who intend to enroll at Harding University; specifically, those from Clinton. Any eligible students’ names will be sent to the family in March of the student’s senior year. Decisions will be made by the family.
    • Deadlines: At the discretion of the family.
    • Application: At the discretion of the family.

Legacy Scholarship

Members of the Class of 1972 have established an endowed fund for the purpose of providing one or more scholarships each year for incoming freshmen who are descendants of former Harding students. Download the Legacy Scholarship application pdf. More information on endowed funds and scholarships can be found in our Office of Advancement - Scholarships.

Christian High School Graduate Scholarship

Awarded to first-time freshmen who graduate from a school that is a member of the National Christian School Association or The Council on Educational Standards and Accountability. The scholarship is $1,000 per year for four years and may be combined with other institutional scholarships but may not exceed full tuition. There is no application required for this scholarship but will be awarded to your account upon receival of your final high school transcript from a NCSA school.

Church Match Scholarships

Does your church provide scholarships to its members? Harding will match up to $500 per year of scholarship funds awarded by partner churches. Churches interested in participating should contact the business office at 501-279-4336.

Homeschool Scholarship

Recognized as the most homeschool-friendly college in Arkansas by Alpha Omega Publications, Harding University is committed to helping homeschool students reach their fullest academic potential while learning more about God and strengthening their faith. In an effort to recognize the excellent preparedness of these students, Harding will award a $2,000 per year (renewable for four years) scholarship to students graduating from a homeschool. In order to be eligible for the scholarship, students must simply apply to Harding and submit their homeschool transcript. 

*The award is eligible to stack with other Harding-funded scholarships up to full tuition.

Christian Leadership and Service Scholarship

Harding strives to encourage and equip all students to develop their gifts for Christian leadership and is committed to awarding scholarships to students with leadership experience, aspirations and abilities. It is Harding’s mission to develop the Christian leaders of the future. Apply for the Christian Leadership and Service Scholarship

Missionary Children Scholarship

The Harding University Missionary Children Grant program is intended to provide a grant for the undergraduate dependent children of United States missionaries serving on foreign mission fields. The grant is $2,000 per year for four years (eight semesters) and is stackable with institutional aid, including the Christian Ministers and Educators Scholarship. Please note that all institutional aid is limited to the tuition cap. Apply for the Missionary Children Scholarship.

Art & Design New Student Scholarship

Information and Guidelines

The Harding University Department of Art & Design has new student scholarships that range from $600-$1,000 per year. Students must meet the criteria listed below to be eligible for one of the scholarships. The scholarship could be awarded up to four semesters if the student continues to meet the GPA requirement. A GPA of 3.0 in Art & Design courses must be maintained to continue the scholarship. All students with the required GPA may then apply for a scholarship Sophomore year that would apply for junior and senior year. All criteria in one PDF file must be received by the art office by the first Friday in April. Email the PDF file to

Scholarship Criteria

  1. Declared art & design major at Harding University.
  2. Completed scholarship application.
  3. Copy of high school or college transcript.
  4. Letter of intent. “Why are you applying for this scholarship?”
  5. Contact information for two references (at least one teacher).
  6. Digital portfolio of work. See tips listed below.

Portfolio Contents

  1. High quality digital images of recent work in one PDF file.
  2. Minimum 10 works / maximum 20 works. Quality over quantity is suggested.
  3. Provide title of the piece, medium, size of the artwork, and the date of completion.
  4. Images should be captured in high resolution with good lighting. Use a photo editing app or software to edit cropping, lighting and alignment.
  5. All work to be considered for the portfolio needs to be presented digitally.

For more information and specific details on fine art, graphic design and interior design portfolio submissions, view the application document. If you send your portfolio by mail, please wrap it securely in a reusable carton. We will either return it to you by mail, or if you desire, we will hold it for you to pick up.

If we can be of any assistance to you, please let us know. Our office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Scholarship Application Form


This scholarship is awarded to non-traditional (24 years of age) on-campus students majoring in Bible. Awarded as a “needs-based” gift determined by student application and an interview with administration. Students in the Bible degree program are eligible to apply in the fourth week of the Spring and Fall semesters. Applications are available through the Center for Distance Education in Bible & Ministry.


The Center for Distance Education in Bible and Ministry

Harding shall give preference to applicants who meet the following qualifications: 1) non-degree seeking students enrolled in the Certificate of Completion in Christian Ministry, 2) international students who demonstrate church leadership in their local congregations, and 3) students who are receiving the 50 percent Distance Bible Scholarship from the Center for Distance Education in Bible and ministry. Students must be affiliated with the Churches of Christ and funds must be available. There is a waiting list if funds are not available. There is no deadline.

Directors Scholarship

Recipients of this scholarship choose one of four different bachelor degrees to complete. The degree options are as follows:

  • BIBM, bachelors in Bible and Ministry
  • BFAM, bachelors in Bible and Family Ministry
  • BMIS, bachelors in Missions
  • BPRC, bachelors in Preaching

The Directors Scholarship recipient must be 24 years or older, study for their degree in Searcy, Arkansas, already be involved in doing some form of ministry, have the funding for living expenses while studying at Harding University, be offered the scholarship after going through the process for consideration. To apply, fill out the application and communicate with the Center for Distance Education.

Ministry Scholarship

Equip at Harding University is pleased to announce that employed ministers in the churches of Christ may take one free Bible class per semester for credit. Students in the Equip Program may take courses online or in person. For more information about the Equip Program and the scholarship, visit or contact us at

General Bible Major or Yingling Freshman Bible Scholarships

Scholarships are open to any full-time (12 hours) major in the College of Bible and Ministry: Bible and Ministry, Bible and Family Ministry, Bible and Missions, Bible and Preaching. If the student changes his/her major or leaves school, the scholarship will be voided the entire semester in which the change occurs. The deadline for of all application materials for general scholarship is April 1; deadline for receipt of Yingling scholarship application materials is March 1 in order to be eligible for awards for the fall and spring semesters. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of financial need, cumulative grade point average, character, service to others, professional promise, and clarity of personal goals. Bible scholarships are NOT automatically renewed each year. Students must reapply each spring for awards for the following academic year. Scholarship recipients will be notified in July. Contact College of Bible & Ministry at 501-279-4808 for further information. Find applications and more information from the College of Bible & Ministry Scholarship Committee.

Youth & Family Scholarship

Find applications and more information from the College of Bible & Ministry Scholarship Committee.

Leadership & Ministry Scholarship

Applications should be submitted to Dr. Andrew Baker. Find applications and more information from the College of Bible & Ministry Scholarship Committee.

Brackett Christian Business Scholarship

Amount: $3,000 per year

Criteria: Applicants should major in business. Criteria includes academic performance, leadership, diligence and financial need. Preference is given to applicants from the state of Florida. Selection made by the Dean of COBA. Deadline: March 15


Carter Business Scholarship

Amount: $10,000 per year

Criteria: Business student who supports the mission of COBA, desires to be active in Christian service upon graduation and is in financial need. Preference made to students from northwest Arkansas. This scholarship is typically divided among four students each year at approximately $2,500 per student per year. Selection made by the Dean of COBA. Deadline: March 15


Tina Beavers Daniel Scholarship

Amount: $4,000 per year

Criteria: Junior or senior finance majors with preference to students with financial need. Criteria also includes commendable scholarship, leadership, dilligence, character and reputation. Selection made by Director of Finance program. Deadline: March 15


Forvis Mazars Accounting Scholarship

Amount: $3,000 per year

Criteria: Junior or senior accounting majors with desire of a career in public accounting. Criteria also includes academic performance and leadership potential for public accounting. Selection made by Director of Accounting program. Deadline: March 15


Hogan Taylor Accounting Scholarship

Amount: $3,000 per year

Criteria: Junior or senior accounting majors with desire of a career in public accounting. Criteria also includes academic performance and leadership potential for public accounting. Selection made by Director of Accounting program. Deadline: March 15


Hunnicutt Accounting Scholarship

Amount: $3,000 per year

Criteria: Junior or senior accounting majors demonstrating financial need. Criteria also includes academic performance and preference given to applicants working part-time while enrolled full time. Selection made by Director of Accounting program. Deadline: March 15


Legacy Faculty Fund

Amount: $1,000 per year

Criteria: Any business student with financial need who supports the mission of COBA. Chosen by COBA faculty.


Lois Maple Endowed Scholarship

Amount: $750 per year

Criteria: Female business student who demonstrates scholarship, leadership, diligence and financial need. Chosen by the Dean of COBA. Deadline: March 15


Neal Accounting Scholarship

Amount: $1,000 per year

Criteria: Junior or Senior accounting major who supports the mission of COBA.  Selection made by the Accounting faculty. Deadline: March 15


Glenn and Louise Shelton Memorial Scholarship for Women

Amount: $1,500 per year

Criteria: Female business student who demonstrates good character, local church involvement and academic achievement. Chosen by Dr. Jim Shelton, Associate Dean of COBA. Deadline: March 15


Ashley Thomas Endowed Scholarship

Amount: $2,000 per year

Criteria: Full-time business major with a satisfactory GPA.  Criteria also includes good repuation among faculty and students. Selection made by the Dean of COBA. Deadline: March 15


Sam Walton Scholarship

Amount: $3,000 per year

Criteria: Preference given to applicants who major in business and are from countries other than the United States. Other criteria include leadership potential, involvement in school and financial need. Selection made by Dean of COBA. Deadline: March 15


Application: Applications for each of these scholarships are available in the COBA Dean’s administrative office.

CSD Graduate Assistantship Scholarship

This scholarship is available to Graduate Level Speech-Language Pathology accepted students. Selection of recipients is made by the graduate admissions committee when students are accepted.
Deadline: February 15 through CSDCAS



Dana Wilburn Martin endowed scholarship

This scholarship is for continuing students in the department of Computer Science. Applications are sent to all students in March each year, and the scholarships are awarded in April. Considerations are made based on scholarship, financial need, and service.
Contact: Dr. Frank McCown
Student Status:
Continuing students

The Lilly Scholarship

The scholarship is for continuing students in the department of Computer Science. Applications are sent to all students in March each year and the scholarships are awarded in April. Considerations are made based on scholarship, financial need, and service.
Contact: Dr. Frank McCown
Student Status:
Continuing students

The Ray Dickson Endowed Scholarship

The scholarship is for continuing students in the department of Computer Science. Applications are sent to all students in March each year and the scholarships are awarded in April. Considerations are made based on scholarship, financial need, and service.
Contact: Dr. Frank McCown
Student Status:
Continuing students

The Stephen A Baber, Tim Baird and Scott Ragsdale Endowed Scholarship

The scholarship is for continuing students in the department of Computer Science. Applications are sent to all students in March each year and the scholarships are awarded in April. Considerations are made based on scholarship, financial need, and service.
Contact: Dr. Frank McCown
Student Status:
Continuing students

Thelma Fae Smith Diversity in Education Scholarship Fund

Student eligible for this scholarship must self-identify as a member of an under-represented population as defined by federal guidelines, be a full-time student at Harding during the semester or academic year for which the scholarship is issued, be accepted to the Teacher Education Program of the Cannon-Clary College of Education, have a reputation for scholarship, honesty, and hard work among faculty and peers, demonstrated good character, goal-orientation, diligence, and capability, and have demonstrated financial need based on the Federal Pell Grant guidelines. Candidates with an aspiration to work with under-represented populations may be given special consideration.
Student Status: Continuing Student 
: varies; usually by late January
Application: For more information, contact the Education Department.

Pauline Crumpler Foundation Scholarship

This scholarship is available to education majors based on GPA, leadership, financial need, reputation and diligence. Awarded to two juniors and two seniors.
Student Status: Continuing Student
: Spring
Application: Flyers are available in the education building with details

AICU (ICFA) Critical Needs Teacher Education Scholarship

This scholarship is available to upper-level education majors who will be teaching in Arkansas in the fields of special education, math, science or foreign language. Recipients must be a junior with at least a 3.0 GPA and must maintain that GPA as a senior.
Student Status: Continuing Student
Deadline: Spring
Application: Flyers are available in the education building with details

Basil F. Burks Endowed Scholarship Fund

This award is given to education majors who are full-time students based on leadership, diligence, reputation, GPA and financial need. Special consideration is given to applicants recommended by the Dean of the College of Education.
Student Status: Continuing Student
Deadline: Spring
Application: Flyers are available in the education building with details

Mary Ann Harris Endowment Fund

The scholarship is given to elementary education majors based on GPA, reputation and financial need. Applicants must be full-time students.
Student Status: Continuing Student
Deadline: Spring
Application: Flyers are available in the education building with details

Valda Montgomery Endowed Scholarship Fund

Preference for this scholarship is given to an education major with a focus on elementary or secondary education. Awards are given based on GPA, diligence and good reputation. Applicants must be full-time and demonstrate financial need.
Student Status: Continuing Student
Deadline: Spring
Application: Flyers are available in the education building with details

Lina Leatherwood Owens Endowed Scholarship Fund

These scholarships are given to students, preferably in education with special consideration given to those who are Mississippi residents and full-time students. Selection is based on GPA, leadership, financial need and reputation.
Student Status: Continuing Student
Deadline: Spring
Application: Flyers are available in the education building with details

Summitt Family Endowed Scholarship Fund

Special consideration for this scholarship will be given to students who plan to enter the profession of Education or teaching. Students are selected for this scholarship based on GPA, reputation and financial need.
Student Status: Continuing Student
Deadline: Spring
Application: Flyers are available in the education building with details

English Department Freshman Scholarship

Students are eligible to receive this one-time scholarship based on academic standing (evaluated through high school transcripts), character reference, and writing sample about the value of an English degree. Fill out the Freshman English Scholarship Application pdf to apply.
Student Status: Freshman student declaring English
Deadline: August 23

The Dottie Wright Endowed Scholarship is awarded to an incoming freshman who plans to major or minor in French. The scholarship amount is $300 per semester that the student is enrolled in a French class. Applications and supporting documentation are due in the foreign language office by May 1 and can be mailed to Box 12263, Harding University, Searcy AR 72149 or sent electronically to

Students who major in Nursing and plan to complete at least a minor in Spanish may be eligible for the Booth Memorial Scholarship. Contact for more information.

Students who are native speakers of French or who plan to work in French-speaking church missions may be eligible for the Doyle Kee Memorial Scholarship. Contact for more information.

Italian students may be eligible for the Remo Jacuzzi Scholarship. Contact for more information.

Coons-Farrar Endowment Scholarships for the Health Sciences

Each year qualified juniors and seniors who wish to pursue a career in the health sciences are awarded Coons-Farrar Scholarships totaling. The Coons-Farrar Endowment Fund was established in 1981 by Dr. Callie Mae Coons in memory of mother Catherine Ann Farrar Williams. Dr. Coons was chairperson of the Home Economics Department and her husband, Dr. Robert Roy Coons, was chairman of the Chemistry department here at Harding in the early 1930's. The Coons later taught at Pepperdine, but eventually moved to Washington, D.C., where sister Coons continued her nutrition research at the Department of Agriculture. The Coons-Farrar endowment fund was established primarily to provide scholarships for qualified juniors and seniors (those with at least 60 credit hours total, including CLEP) who plan to pursue careers in biomedical and allied health fields.

The recipients are premedical students, preoccupational therapy students, prephysical therapy students, prephysician assistant students, preoptometry students, predental students, nursing and dietetics majors, and those majoring in mathematics, computer science, physical science and biology who plan to pursue a professional career in the health sciences. In selecting recipients for these awards, the Allied Health Science Committee takes into consideration scholarship, demonstrated capability in one's chosen field, and potential for future service to the biomedical or allied health professions. Financial need is also a factor in determining the recipients. Special consideration is given to those who demonstrate an interest in working in the mission field or in medically under-served areas, or to someone who has demonstrated a particular desire to apply current developments in technology to the health field.
Note: The committee has established that the Coons-Farrar awards require a minimum GPA of 3.4 on all hours, including 15 hours of credit in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Math. This requirement is specified on the application form.
Student Status: Continuing Student
Contact: Dr. Dennis Matlock or Mrs. Tia Stone

Blachly Premedicine Scholarship

This scholarship was established in 1991 by Ron and Karen Blachly. Dr. Blachly graduated from Harding in 1973 with a degree in Chemistry and then attended the University of Arkansas Medical School. His wife Karen graduated in 1975 with a degree in Dietetics.

This scholarship is awarded to a full-time junior or senior at Harding who is pursuing a degree in medicine minimum GPA of 3.5. The student must have a and have a good reputation among faculty and students alike. To determine the recipient of this scholarship, the Allied Health Science Committee considers financial need, scholarship, and demonstrated capability and potential for future service to mankind. Note: The committee typically selects the top two or three applicants and submits their applications to the Blachlys, who make the final selection.
Student Status: Continuing Student
Contact: Dr. Debbie Duke or Mrs. Tia Stone

Otis Nichols Premedical Scholarship

Mrs. Juanita Nichols chose to honor her husband of over 50 years by helping upperclass premedical
students to attend Harding University as her husband did in 1934 and 1935. Otis Nichols had a great
desire and dream to become a medical doctor, but events including WWII prevented him from following that path. It was Mrs. Nichols' desire to help to prepare physicians who will practice medicine with an understanding and philosophy consistent with Christian ideals.
Student Status: Continuing Student
Contact: Dr. Debbie Duke or Mrs. Tia Stone

Rodney and Joan Carlton Premedical Scholarship

Dr. Rodney Carlton, a leader in medicine in the state of Arkansas, was a pathologist who was
instrumental in setting up the Arkansas State Crime Lab. Mr. Carlton and his family have provided this scholarship particularly for an upperclassman Arkansas student who plans to attend medical school.
Student Status: Continuing Student
Contact: Dr. Debbie Duke or Mrs. Tia Stone

Stanley S. Schwartz Premedical Scholarship

Dr. Stan Schwartz attended Harding University in the late 50's and then attended medical school at the University of Tennessee. Dr. Schwartz, an orthopedic surgeon, was a leader in the Searcy medical
community. His family has chosen to honor him by providing this scholarship for an upperclassman
premedical student at Harding each year based on scholarship, leadership, diligence, demonstrated
capability, and financial need.
Student Status: Continuing Student
Contact: Dr. Debbie Duke

Duane Priest Premedical Scholarship

The Duane Priest Premedical Scholarship has been given every year since 1970, usually to a senior.
Duane Priest, who was a premedical student at Harding from 1967 to 1969 was involved along with his wife in a tragic automobile accident between Searcy and Memphis. Duane was fatally injured and his wife was very seriously injured in the accident. Duane's family givens this scholarship each year in his honor.
Student Status: Continuing Student
Contact: Dr. Debbie Duke or Mrs. Tia Stone

Gene Dugger Endowed Scholarship for Math and Science

Mr. Gene Dugger was a man of God who tried to instill in his students the love of God. He loved Harding and started teaching at Harding at age 25. His career extended 45 years. Gene taught math and started Harding's first computer center. This scholarship is divided evenly between a mathematics student and a premedical student.
Student Status: Continuing Student
Contact: Dr. Debbie Duke or Dr. Ron Smith

Health Science Scholarship

Scholarships are available for students planning a career in the health sciences. Students with 60 or more credit hours by the start of the fall semester are encouraged to apply. Applicants may include pre-medical students, nursing majors, dietetics majors, and exercise science majors, as well as students majoring in medical humanities, mathematics, computer science, and the physical or biological sciences who wish to pursue a professional degree in the health sciences.

Scholarship application and information

Student Status: Continuing Student
Contact: Tia Stone (501-279-4980)

Lois Durbin Enochs Endowed Fund

This award is available to music majors with good academic records. Recipients are selected by audition before music faculty members.
Student Status: Freshman or continuing student
: May 1, with exceptions
Application: Contact for forms and procedures.


Neva J. White Scholarship Fund

This scholarship is available to music majors enrolled in private voice lessons. Recipients are selected based on vocal ability and progress and service to department. Funds may be split. There is no deadline or application.
Student Status: Continuing student


Bill and Pat Yick Music Scholarship

This award will go to a music major whose current scholarship amount is not commensurate to his or her talent and service, especially a student in a ninth semester.
Student Status: Continuing Student
Deadline: Four weeks before the end of the spring semester
Application: contact Dr. Jay Walls


George E. and E. B. Baggett Music Scholarship Fund

This scholarship is given to a music major who is an instrumental ensemble participant. The award goes to an outstanding instrumental student; preference is given to those who are also in a vocal ensemble. Funds may be split.
Student Status: Continuing student
Deadline: Four weeks before the end of the spring semester
Application: contact Dr. Jay Walls


Vicki Dell Memorial Endowed Music Scholarship Fund

This Scholarship that is available to music majors enrolled in private voice lessons based on their vocal ability and progress and their service to department. Funds may be split. There is no deadline or application.
Student Status: Continuing student


Erle T. and Mona Moore Voice Scholarship Fund

This scholarship is available to music majors enrolled in private voice lessons. Recipients are selected based on vocal ability and progress and service to department. Funds may be split. There is no deadline or application.
Student Status: Continuing student


Charles and Geraldine Poole Endowed Scholarship Fund

This award will go to a music major whose current scholarship amount is not commensurate to his or her talent and service. There is no deadline or application.
Student Status: Continuing student


Morgan Richardson Endowed Scholarship Fund

This scholarship goes to music majors enrolled in private voice lessons based on vocal ability and progress and service to department. Funds may be split. There is no deadline or application.
Student Status: Continuing student


L.O. Sanderson Memorial Scholarship Fund

Students eligible for this scholarship are music majors, especially those interested in church music or composition. The award goes to an outstanding student who shows promise in composition or in church music. Funds may be split.
Student Status: Continuing student
Deadline: Four weeks before the end of the spring semester
Application: Application is made to Dr. Jay Walls


Arthur L. Shearin Endowed Scholarship Fund

Students eligible for these scholarships are music education majors. The award is made to a student who shows special promise as a music teacher. There is no deadline or application or application form.
Student Status: Continuing student

Seth Decker Memorial Scholarship Fund

This scholarship is awarded based on scholarship, leadership, diligence, demonstrated capability, and financial need. Recipients shall maintain a satisfactory grade point average and a good reputation among faculty and students. The amount is determined on a yearly basis dependent on available funds. There is no application.
Deadline: April 1


Glenn Family Endowed Scholarship

Contact: Justin Moore


Roger & Mary Luallen MFT Endowed Scholarship

Contact: Justin Moore


Nancy Meadows MFT Scholarship

Contact: Justin Moore

Veterans Endowed Scholarship for Physician Assistant

Applicants must be enrolled in the HUPA program in good academic standing, not on academic warning or probation at time of application or selection, with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. They must have demonstrated professionalism throughout the academic year. They must show leadership and diligence and demonstrate capability in the PA curriculum, demonstrate financial need based on a FAFSA information provided by Harding University Financial Aid. In addition, they must have veteran’s status or immediate family member (spouse, child, parent, sibling, or grandparent) who is a veteran is not required but veterans and/or their family members will be given preference. A veteran family member other than the above should be mentioned but may not receive preference.
Students must meet the above criteria. Other factors are also considered base on application. These include 1) leadership roles including leadership positions, community service, honors and awards, and 2) financial need.
Deadline: Determined during the student's third semester
Application: Distributed by the department

Wayne and Sandie Propst Scholarship Fund

This scholarship is available to Social Work majors and is determined with the following considerations: scholarship, leadership, diligence, demonstrated capability and financial need. The award is typically given to senior social work majors who are in an internship. Requires a satisfactory grade point average and good reputation among faculty and students.
Student Status: Continuing Student
Deadline: November 15 for a spring scholarship, and March 15 for a summer scholarship.
Contact: For more information, contact Terry Smith.

Burns-Harris Math and Physical Science Scholarship

The Burns-Harris Math and Physical Science Scholarship was established in 1991 by Rob and Jackie Burns, and Scott and Sharon Harris, math and physical science alumni who graduated in 1987. It is designated for students majoring in mathematics and the physical sciences who are not eligible for the various allied health scholarships. The criteria for receiving this scholarship are financial need, academic ability, and a demonstrated commitment to serve God in one's family, in the church, and in the work place. Students with a desire and potential to teach and to influence young people to serve God are given preference.

Marks MS Church of Christ Endowed Scholar Fund for Physics

This scholarship, in the amount of approximately $1000 per year, is for students majoring in physics. The criteria for receiving this scholarship are financial need, academic ability, and a demonstrated commitment to serve God in one's family, in the church, and in the workplace. Recipients should be full-time students of Harding University, and should, except for cases of exceptional merit, have attended Harding for at least three semesters and have maintained a cumulative GPA of 3.3 or higher. Preference will be given to students who will be entering their senior year.

James W. Pugh Scholarship Fund

This award is for students majoring in the Natural Sciences who have and maintain a minimum 3.00 GPA. Preference is given to those from the Ozark region (Arkansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma), but can be awarded to students outside of these areas if money is available). Selection is based on college GPA, or if incoming freshmen, high school ACT test scores as well as high school GPA (preference given to GPA and test scores in science and math). In addition, the student to asked to provide the state and city they are from, in order to give preference to those from the Ozark region.

Engineering Scholarships

Three scholarships are available for incoming freshmen planning to major in engineering at Harding University. The scholarships are funded by the Crews Family Endowment for Engineering, which is an endowment set up by a very generous family of an engineering alumnus to help students start their engineering careers at Harding. Download the application from the Department of Engineering & Physics webpage.

Timothy Edward Yates Scholarship

Applications for the Timothy Edward Yates scholarship are now being accepted. If you are a Junior or Senior majoring in Mathematics, Computer Science, Biology, Exercise Science, Engineering, Nursing or Chemistry and Biochemistry and maintain a 3.4 GPA in your major, go by the College of Sciences office - Room 114 of the Pryor-England Science Building for your application. Deadlines to submit applications is March 19, 2021.

Information on funding opportunities specifically for a semester abroad can be found with International Programs.

Learn more about Financial Aid options for graduate programs as well as Scholarships and Grants for Graduate and Professional studies in areas such as allied health, business, education, mental health and wellness, nursing, pharmacy, sciences and theology.

Arkansas Department of Higher Education

Academic Challenge Scholarships
Governor's Scholars Program
Teacher Opportunity Programs
Arkansas residency required to qualify for all programs.

ASLA College Planning Services

Search for Arkansas Scholarships and students attending Arkansas colleges. There are scholarships for students in all majors and programs. There is a special focus on resources for Nurses and Teachers in Arkansas. Some scholarships available for non-Arkansas residents.

Scholarships for Arkansas Minority Students

View a list of scholarships for Arkansas minority students (pdf).

The Harding Guarantee

  • The Harding Guarantee is a last dollar scholarship that — when combined with a student's eligibility for federal, state and other free resources —will pay 100% of students remaining tuition costs. It does not cover fees, housing or food charges.  


    Harding Guarantee Eligibility Criteria:

  • Students must be admitted to Harding University. 

  • Students must be Arkansas residents who have been awarded the AR Challenge Scholarship or Governor's Scholarship and retain that eligibility each year. The deadline to submit the AR Challenge Scholarship is July 1. 

  • Students must complete the FAFSA and submit it to Harding each year. 

  • Students must qualify for the MAXIMUM Federal Pell Grant each year.

  • Students must maintain a cumulative overall college GPA of 3.0 or higher.

  • The Guarantee does not restrict a student from borrowing federal or private loans to assist with textbooks, housing, food, fees or any other non-tuition expenses.

  • The Guarantee is awarded for a maximum of 4 years / 8 undergraduate semesters and is only available to first-time freshmen.

    The Guarantee does not place restrictions on hours of enrollment. However, recipients must enroll in the minimum number of hours required for eligibility of Arkansas Scholarships. See for details.

Search: Fund my future

Search for Arkansas Scholarships and students attending Arkansas colleges. There are scholarships for students in all majors and programs. There is a special focus on resources for Nurses and Teachers in Arkansas. Some scholarships available for non-Arkansas residents.


National Academic scholarships
National Need-Based Scholarships
Special Needs Scholarships

Other Resources

Many local scholarships are usually available in every student's home community. High school guidance counselors are often the best resource for identifying these funds.

Harding's Financial Aid Facebook page regularly posts random scholarships of interest from across the country.

Contact Information