Confidential Reference Form

Please answer the following questions on behalf on the student applying to Harding University.

Please state candidly your opinion of this applicant’s suitability for admission to Harding in the context of our mission to provide a quality education that will lead to an understanding and philosophy of life consistent with Christian ideals.

This form is to be completed by a counselor, principal or teacher (professor or dean of students if applying as a transfer student) who is well acquainted with the student’s academic performance and ability and has had frequent interactions with the student and observed their conduct in a variety of situations.

* Required field

Student Information

Evaluator Information

Relationship to Applicant

How well do you know the applicant? *
To your knowledge, has the applicant ever been suspended or dismissed from school?
To your knowledge, does the applicant have any personal habits or behavioral issues that, in your opinion, seem inconsistent with attendance at a Christian university?
Academic Interest & Motivation
Adaptability & Resourcefulness
Ability to work with others
Please choose one of the following: *

Contact Information