Bison Bound

2025 Bison Bound Dates



Registration for fall Bison Bound opens February 1 for all students who have paid their enrollment fees. To register, please login to your application portal and view the "Checklist Forms" section to select the session of your choice. 

All incoming students must complete orientation in order to register for fall classes and enroll.

Other Important Dates


Before you come to Bison Bound

2024 June & July Bison Bound Schedule

Day 1: 

Students and Parents:

9-10 a.m. Welcome Session, Benson Auditorium

10-12 p.m. Academic Fair, Ganus Activities Complex

11-1 p.m.  Lunch, University Dining Hall and Hammon Student Center

10-1 p.m. Essential Checklist Items ( if needed ): 
  • Pipeline: Gain Pipeline Access and Setup Multi-Factor Authentication, Brackett Library

  • Admissions Checklist: Turn in any outstanding admissions paperwork, Office of Undergraduate Admissions in Heritage lobby

*Important: These items must be completed to register for classes on Friday morning!


1-4:30 p.m. Student Information Sessions

4:30-5:30 p.m. Advising Session, specific locations by major

5:30-6:30 p.m. Advising Session, specific locations by major

6-8 p.m.  Dinner 


1-2 p.m. Parent Panel, Benson Auditorium

2-3 p.m. Parent Panel, Benson Auditorium

3-4 p.m. Parent Meet-and-Greet, Benson lobby

4-5 p.m. Parent Program, Benson Auditorium

6-8 p.m. Dinner 

Day 2: 

Students and Parents:

8:00-8:45 a.m.- Breakfast, University Dining Hall

9-10 a.m. Worship and Connection, Benson Auditorium


10 a.m.-1p.m. Student Class Scheduling, specific locations by major

11 a.m.-1 p.m. Lunch on your own, meal cards provided

10 a.m.-1p.m. Bison Bound Bash in the Heritage lobby! Pick up your student I.D., and celebrate … you’re officially a Bison!


10 a.m.-1 p.m. Parent Information Fair, Heritage Lobby

11 a.m.-1 p.m.- Lunch on your own, University Dining Hall



If you are unable to attend June or July Bison Bound, there will be an abbreviated version of Bison Bound in August. 

More information about August Bison Bound will be coming soon! 

  • Register your car (if applicable).
  • Take your I.D. photo.
  • Check in with the Office of Financial Aid Services (optional).
  • Attend the Academic Fair in the Ganus Activities Complex to explore majors and speak with faculty.
  • Attend two advising sessions for your area(s) of interest and extracurricular activities.
  • Attend all information sessions.
  • Meet with schedule builder or advisor to register for classes.
  • Check in with the housing office for any of your residence hall assignment questions (optional).
  • Visit the Bison Bound Bash before heading back home. We have something for you!


After Bison Bound:

During Bison Bound, you are going to learn so much about the resources available to you on campus! Review the information here before Bison Bound and reference the most up-to-date information on the website throughout your college career.

Resources for Parents

Contact Information