Chemistry Scholarships

Scholarship options

All listed Scholarships are for a duration of one year.

Scholarship Amount*
Frequency Eligibility Application
Dr. Bill Williams Endowed Scholarship for Freshmen $800-$1000 Annual

Incoming freshmen majoring in chemistry or biochemistry.

Applications available from the admissions office.
Selection is usually late June.

Dr. Bill Williams Endowed Scholarship for Sophomores $500 Annual

Rising sophomores

Nominations are made by the department faculty.
Joseph E. Pryor Scholarship Variable* Annual

Juniors and seniors not planning a career in the health sciences.

Nominations are made by the department faculty.
Malcolm Howell Memorial Scholarship Variable* Annual Junior and senior chemistry majors. Nominations are made by the department faculty.
Science and Nursing Advisory Council (SNAC) Scholarship $800 Annual Junior or senior chemistry majors. Nominations are made by the department faculty.
Coons-Farrar Allied Health Scholarships $1000-$3000 Annual

15 juniors or seniors planning to enter some area of health sciences.

Students apply in February or March.  Notification in April.
Lucien Bagnetto Scholarship $500-$1000 Annual

One or two juniors or seniors who have demonstrated a Christian service attitude. Preference is given to chemistry, biochemistry and BCMB majors.

Nominations are made by the department faculty.
James W. Pugh Scholarships $500 Up to four Years

24 students majoring in the natural sciences with preference given to those from the Ozark region.

Nominations are made by the chemistry faculty.
Kenneth Rose Scholarship



Annual Outstanding rising seniors of all majors. Nominations from faculty in March with application package due in April.

*The amount of each scholarship awarded may vary based upon income generated by the University's Endowment. Additional competitive scholarships are available to juniors and seniors.

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