Creative Writing: Provides an overview of creative writing genres and allows a focused track in fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction and screenwriting through workshop experience
Editing and Publishing: Develops skills in editing, proofreading and media software in preparation for careers in editing and publishing
English: Builds on required composition and world literature courses to help students sharpen their writing and critical thinking skills through support of upper-level courses
Film Studies: Explores a variety of film genres along with courses in film history and technique from the department of communication
Linguistics: Interdisciplinary study in the phenomenon of human language and excellent preparation for graduate study or careers as diverse as computing and technology, international business, education, and clinical fields relating to speech and language
Medieval and Renaissance Studies: Explores the literature, history, art and theatre of the medieval and renaissance periods through interdisciplinary studies
Women’s Studies: Prepares students for a range of employment opportunities by training them to be sensitive to the experiences and needs of women in many fields of work and phases of life
Writing: Builds off required composition courses to help students explore creative and professional writing