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120 hours
4 years

English Major

This degree program prepares students for law school, graduate study or a variety of career paths through wide and deep reading, mentoring in writing, scholarly excellence and sustained attention to the human experience.

Why study English at Harding?

Connect with writers

The department hosts writers each year to share their expertise and experience with our students.

Experiential travel

The department regularly conducts trips for students to engage in a variety of literary and cultural experiences. Recent trips include visits to The Civil Rights Museum in Memphis, Tennessee; William Faulkner’s home and museum in Oxford, Mississippi; The Arkansas Literary Festival in Little Rock, Arkansas; The Southern Literary Festival at the University of Mississippi; and the cross-departmental trip to New York and Washington D.C.

Student organizations

Several organizations — such as the Film Studies Association, Kolbitars, Scribblers writing club and Souvenirs poetry club — are available for students to participate based on their interests.

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Our mission
  • To help all students develop critical thinking skills and gain proficiency in expository and persuasive writing
  • To prepare English majors for their professions, whether for teaching, graduate study, or a variety of other fields
  • To model and mentor Christian scholarship.
English minors

Creative Writing: Provides an overview of creative writing genres and allows a focused track in fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction and screenwriting through workshop experience

Editing and Publishing: Develops skills in editing, proofreading and media software in preparation for careers in editing and publishing

English: Builds on required composition and world literature courses to help students sharpen their writing and critical thinking skills through support of upper-level courses

Film Studies: Explores a variety of film genres along with courses in film history and technique from the department of communication

Linguistics: Interdisciplinary study in the phenomenon of human language and excellent preparation for graduate study or careers as diverse as computing and technology, international business, education and clinical fields relating to speech and language

Medieval and Renaissance Studies: Explores the literature, history, art and theatre of the medieval and renaissance periods through interdisciplinary studies

Women’s Studies: Prepares students for a range of employment opportunities by training them to be sensitive to the experiences and needs of women in many fields of work and phases of life

Writing: Builds on required composition courses to help students explore creative and professional writing

Honor Society

Sigma Tau Delta, an international English honor society, strives to confer distinction for high achievement in English language and literature in undergraduate, graduate and professional studies; provides, through its local chapters, cultural stimulation on college campuses and promotes interest in literature and the English language in the surrounding communities; fosters the discipline of English in all its aspects, including creative and critical writing; promotes good fellowship among its members; and exhibits high standards of academic excellence.

What can you do with a degree in English?


English majors are prepared for a variety of advertising roles including media planners and buyers, writers, print production managers and more. 

Graduate study in literature, writing and law

As an English major, you'll be intentionally mentored by distinguished faculty to provide opportunities to practice Christian scholarship. Through the University's Undergraduate Research Conference, students have the opportunity to present their papers and prepare them for professional publication. These experience provide excellent preparation for graduate study.


A degree in English provides excellent preparation for careers in publishing such as acquisition, editing, copyediting, marketing and distribution. 

We are proud to see our graduates serving Christ throughout the world as sharp-eared, eloquent speakers and writers and as people of integrity.
Dr. Jon Singleton

Department Chair

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