Foreign Languages Faculty

Meet our Faculty

Headshot of Kristi Bond

Kristi Bond, Ph.D.

Associate Professor and Chair

About Kristi Bond

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Degrees earned:

B.A. in Spanish from Harding University, M.A. and Ph.D. in Linguistics from the University of Kansas. Thesis: "The Role of the L1 and Individual Differences in L2 Sensitivity to Morphosyntactic Features: An ERP Investigation".

Most frequently taught classes:

Teaches Intermediate Spanish (SPAN 2010/2020), Advanced Spanish Phonetics (SPAN 4330), Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages (FLAN 4100/4200), and Second Language Acquisition (FLAN 3100).

Other specialties within the department:

Mentors senior capstone students and supervises student teachers in French and Spanish. Edits CrossTalk, the department newsletter, Missions in Latin America.

Advising info:

Advises or will advise students in Foreign and Missions (FLAN), Spanish (SPAN), Applied Spanish (SPAS), and Spanish Licensure (SPAC) or minoring in Spanish.

Professional organizations:

Is a member of the Arkansas Foreign Language Teachers Association (AFLTA), and Phi Sigma Iota Foreign Language Honor Society.

Research interests:

Second language acquisition of morphosyntax (and recently phonology), neurolinguistics, aptitude testing, and methods of foreign language teaching.

Overseas, travel or missions experience:

Has taught a study-abroad semester at HULA. Has traveled with students to Mexico, Costa Rica, and Europe on several occasions. Has traveled for World Bible School to Peru, the Dominican Republic, Chile, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Ecuador. Has completed short-term missions in Peru, Venezuela, Uruguay, Argentina, Guatamala, and Ecuador. Has served as a long-term missionary with a team in Wisconsin.

Other language-related activities:

Established the Spanish Internet program of World Bible School. Coordinated the 2014 - 2017 state high school foreign language competition.

Church-related or civic activities:

Currently serves on a church missions committee and ladies ministry committee. Serves as a leader for American Heritage Girls.

Hobbies and interests:

Enjoys outdoor activities with her family including birding, hiking, and camping.

Headshot of Michelle Holland

Michelle Holland, M.Ed. M.A.

Assistant Professor

About Michelle Holland

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Degrees earned:

B.A. in Spanish from Harding University, M.Ed. in Secondary Education and Spanish from Harding University, M.A. in Translation Studies from the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee.

Most frequently taught classes:

Teaches Intermediate Spanish (SPAN 2010/2020), Advanced Spanish Grammar (SPAN 3030), Cultures of Latin America (SPAN 3150), Cultures of Peninsular Spain (SPAN 3040), and Advanced Composition and Translation (SPAN 3230).

Other specialties within the department:

Directs the Center for Translation, mentors senior capstone students, directs the immersion dorm for Spanish students.

Advising info:

Advises or will advise students in Spanish (SPAN), Applied Spanish (SPAS), and minors in Spanish. Graduate advisor for Translation Certificate.

Professional organizations:

Is a member of the Phi Sigma Iota Foreign Language Honor Society.

Overseas, travel or missions experience:

Has traveled on seven campaigns to Venezuela and lived there for two years. Has taught three semesters at HULA. Has completed immersion experiences in Spain.

Church-related or civic activities:


Hobbies and interests:

Enjoys travel, reading, golf, and gardening.

Headshot of Genevieve Jones

Genevieve Jones, M.Ed.

Assistant Professor

About Genevieve Jones

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Degrees earned:

Earned a B.A. in Research, Translation, and Teaching of Foreign Languages from Metropolitan University, Caracas, Venezuela, and the M.Ed. from Harding University. B.A. Thesis: "El mestizaje como elemento de definición e indefinición socio-cultural en El Mestizo José Vargas de Guillermo Meneses”.

Most frequently taught classes:

Teaches Intermediate Spanish (SPAN 2010/2020), Latin American Literature (SPAN 4110), Spanish Conversation (SPAN 3000), and Advanced Conversation (SPAN 3130).

Other specialties within the department:

Offers CLIP activities working toward oral proficiency. Provides weekly conversation practice for Spanish licensure students.


Professional organizations:

Is a member of the Phi Sigma Iota Foreign Language Honor Society.

Research interests:

Is interested in second language acquisition.

Overseas, travel or missions experience:

Taught a study-abroad semester at HULA. Native of Venezuela, where she has experience as a teacher, coordinator, and academic supervisor as well as mission secretary and campaign administrator; presented TESOL workshops in Puerto Rico (1988/89) and in Venezuela (1988/89/90), lived in Italy for one year and visits family there, has also traveled to Canada and Aruba.

Church-related or civic activities:

Provides service to elderly and sick congregation members. Provides translation/interpretation as needed.

Hobbies and interests:

Enjoys jazz and classical music, along with classic movies and science fiction.

Headshot of Whitaker Jordan

Whitaker Jordan, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

About Whitaker Jordan

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Degrees earned:

B.A. in Spanish and B.B.A. in International Business from Harding University, M.A. and Ph.D. in Hispanic Studies from the University of Kentucky.

Most frequently taught classes:

Teaches Elementary Spanish (SPAN 1010/1020), Accelerated Elementary Spanish (SPAN 1030/1040) and upper-level literature classes in Spanish.

Other specialties within the department:

Mentors senior captstone students in Spanish and International Studies. Leads Wednesday night devotional in Spanish. 

Advising info:

Advises or will advise students in Spanish (SPAN), Applied Spanish (SPAS), International Studies (INST), and minors in Spanish. 

Professional organizations:

Is a member of the Phi Sigma Iota Foreign Language Honor Society, the Modern Language Association and the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society Sigma Delta Pi.

Research interests:

Is interested in Early Modern Peninsular literature, primarily theater.

Overseas, travel or missions experience:

Taught a study-abroad semester at HULA. Has participated in short-term campaigns to Honduras, Nicaragua, Peru, and Chile; lived in Mexico for ten months teaching English; studied abroad and traveled in Europe.

Hobbies and interests:

Enjoys outdoor activities such as hiking, fishing, and Ultimate Frisbee

Headshot of Robert McCready

Robert McCready, Ph.D.


About Robert McCready

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Degrees earned:

B.A. David Lipscomb College, Nashville, TN. French with Teacher Certification (Mathematics, secondary certification). "Certificat de Langues" (French Certificate) Université de Genève, Switzerland. M.A. Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, French. Thesis: A Comparison of Saint-Exupéry's Terre des Hommes and the American Version, Wind, Sand, and Stars: Moralist vs Adventurer. D.E.A. Université de Toulouse, France, French. Thesis: Découverte de l'Homme à travers l''obstacle. "Doctorat" (Ph.D.) Université de Toulouse, France, French. Dissertation: L'Avion comme dispositif dans la littérature du 20ème siècle.

Most frequently taught classes:

Teaches Elementary French (FREN 1010/1020), Intermediate French (FREN 2010/2020), French Adv. Grammar and Composition (FREN 3030), French Culture (FREN 3050 & FREN 3250), Advanced French Phonetics (FREN 4330), French Selected Readings in Literature (FREN 3271), Professional French (FREN 4130), and Senior Seminar (FREN 4510). Also has taught Survey of French Literature (FREN 3010, 4010, 4020, 4320, 4350) and Advanced Conversation (FREN 3130).

Other specialties within the department:

Program administrator, director, and teacher of FACE (French Advanced Conversational Experience) summer program in Geneva, Switzerland. Also mentors French senior capstone students.

Advising info:

Advises or will advise students in French (FREN), French Licensure (FREC), International Studies (INST) and Foreign Language and Missions (FLAM) or minoring in French.

Professional organizations:

Is a member of the Arkansas Foreign Language Teachers Association (AFLTA), and Phi Sigma Iota Foreign Language Honor Society.

Research interests:

Antoine de St Exupéry. Techniques for improvement of student oral proficiency and of future secondary French teachers.

Overseas, travel or missions experience:

Directs yearly campaigns to French-speaking Europe (France, Belgium, Switzerland) and bi-yearly leads the FACE program in Switzerland. Also has been involved with "Colonie Harmonie", youth camp in France.

Other language-related activities:

Leads weekly Wednesday night French devotional. Also has served as an interpreter and as a translator for various individuals and organizations.

Church-related or civic activities:

Currently serves as an elder at West Side Church of Christ. Coordinator and teacher of the college class at West Side. Also has served on the missions committee at West Side and College Church of Christ.

Hobbies and interests:

Enjoys basketball, chess, and youth activities.

Headshot of Bonnie Kee

Bonnie Kee, M.A.

Accreditation and Academic Support Coordinator

About Bonnie Kee

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Degrees earned:

B.A. in French from Harding University

M.A. in French from Sacramento State University.

Other specialties within the department:

French labs for FREN 2010/2020. Oversees the discussion tables (La Table Ronde and Papotez). Coordinates the CLIP (Culture and Languages in Practice) activities outside of the classroom.

Professional organizations:

Is a member of the Phi Sigma Iota Foreign Language Honor Society.

Overseas, travel or missions experience:

Grew up in a missionary family in Geneva, Switzerland. Has traveled on several campaigns to French speaking countries in Europe, Africa, and the Caribbean’s. Has taught High School French in Brooksville, Florida.

Church-related or civic activities:

Member at the College Church of Christ. Participates in the Wednesday night French devotionals on campus.

Hobbies and interests:

Enjoys travel, art, and hiking.

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