New to foreign language?
If you are new to foreign language study, you should sign up for French 1010 or Spanish 1010. However, many students begin their study of a foreign language before college, and we want you to earn credit for what you can already do in the language!
See our catalog policies on AP and other forms of test credit or transfer of dual enrollment credit. Another great opportunity is our validation policy: students can receive retroactive credit for lower-level classes by completing two semesters of the next higher level of language classes and earning As or Bs both semesters. For example, many students with high school experience are able to start college language classes at the Intermediate level, earn As or Bs, and receive credit for beginning language classes too. This may be a good option for you if you have had several years of high school language study or if you have earned your state's Seal of Biliteracy.
Below is a quick guide for placement based on previous experience with the language. Once enrolled, we will work to make sure you are placed at your optimal level. We strongly encourage fall enrollment for freshmen who want to continue their language study since we are unable to offer first-semester classes in the spring, and you don't want to lose any of the language by having to wait a year to start in college.
FR 1010 MTWRF: less than two years of high school French
FR 2010 MWF: two or more years of high school French OR State Seal of Biliteracy award OR 3 or higher on the French AP test.
SPAN 1010 MTWRF: only true beginners of Spanish
SPAN 1030 MWF: 1-2 years of high school Spanish*
SPAN 2010 MWF: 2 years of high school Spanish with strong academic background OR three or more years of high school Spanish OR State Seal of Biliteracy award OR 3 or higher on the AP Spanish test*.
*Free remote (at-home) placement testing will be offered to all who enroll in SPAN 1030 or 2010, or contact for more information.