M.A. in History

18 months

Master of Arts in History at Harding

The Master of Arts in history emphasizes historiographical analysis and research skills, while offering students a flexible curriculum in the history of Europe and the United States. With a focus on quality, affordability and accessibility, this graduate program helps students acquire a sophisticated knowledge of the past and a greater understanding of the present world.

Why study history at Harding?

Honor Society

The Eta Phi chapter of the Phi Alpha Theta history honor society has won the National Best Chapter Award 11 times since 2009, and six of those were also the prestigious Nels Cleven Award.


A competitive graduate assistantship is available.

A Christian Perspective

The mission of the department of history and political science is to provide quality, Christ-honoring instruction in the study of the past, politics and public life that enables students to perceive the meaning and determine the context of societal issues.

What can you do with a Master of Arts in History?


A Master of Arts in history provides a solid foundation for a career as an archaeologist, equipping graduates with critical skills in historical research, analysis and interpretation. The program's emphasis on understanding historical contexts and civilizations enhances an archaeologist's ability to uncover and interpret material remains accurately. Graduates gain proficiency in methodologies such as artifact analysis, site excavation and historical preservation, allowing them to reconstruct past cultures and contribute valuable insights into human history. 


For those pursuing a career as a historian, the Master of Arts in history offers comprehensive training in historical research, critical thinking and scholarly writing. This program provides historians with an in-depth understanding of various historical periods, themes and methodologies, enabling them to conduct original research and contribute to historical scholarship. Graduates are skilled in analyzing primary and secondary sources, constructing coherent historical narratives, and presenting their findings in academic publications and presentations. 


In academic settings, a Master of Arts in history prepares graduates to excel as educators and scholars. The program's focus on historiography, research methodologies and pedagogical techniques equips future academics with the tools necessary to teach history at the collegiate level effectively. Graduates are trained to develop and deliver comprehensive course curricula, engage students in critical discussions, and guide them in historical research projects. The program also emphasizes the development of a scholarly identity, encouraging graduates to contribute to academic discourse through research, conference presentations and publications. 

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