Concert Choir

Members are chosen by audition

The 90-member Concert Choir was organized in the fall of 1988 and has a long tradition of great trips, close friendships and musical excellence. Members are chosen by audition. The majority of members major in areas other than music; approximately 30 majors within the University are represented. The group maintains an active schedule singing on campus, touring regionally and singing with the Harding Orchestra. In the last few years, the group has sung for Harding's presidential inauguration as a part of the combined 250-voice choir, and performed for President George Bush and former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

Why you should join the Harding University Concert Choir

Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, members of the Harding University Concert Choir seek to praise God by singing fantastic pieces in an atmosphere filled with friends, fun and laughter. As musicians, we strive to develop constant attention to musical excellence, a tradition that dates back to 1988, and one we hope to continue for many years to come. By joining Concert Choir, you get the opportunity to nurture lasting friendships with other Christians, and you become a member of a giant, boisterous family – one that will laugh, cry and pray with you. You will get to know people from every academic major-- from art to engineering, music to nursing-- and will develop relationships that may last for decades.


Questions You Might Have

Will Concert Choir be a massive time-drain?

Not at all! With rehearsals only three times a week and little assigned homework, Choir is a very fun and memorable way to integrate into campus life. We have about 8-10 events per semester outside of class—fewer than one per week.

Do you go on choir trips often?

We usually go on three or four trips a year. In recent years we have traveled to Texas, Tennessee and Oklahoma as well as trips in Arkansas. A highlight of the year is the first trip- to Greer's Ferry Lake, where we sing a casual concert and have a choir retreat in a beautiful location.

Is memorization of music required?

It depends on the concert. Early in the year we often sing with music. As the year progresses, we move toward singing from memory, but most of the memorization happens in class. Some pieces require it due to strategic hand-clappery.


How much does it cost?

Choir dues are only $20 to $30 for the entire year. The course can be taken for one hour of credit or can be taken for zero credit.

Do I have to be a music major?

No, there are majors from all disciplines.

How do I get into Concert Choir?

Our main audition date is March 15, 2025. There are also open auditions the weekend before the fall semester starts (during Stampede). Announcements are posted in the Reynolds Center with information and times for auditions.

Students who audition for a music major scholarship are not required to do a separate choral ensemble audition.

Choral Alumni Scholarship Fund:

There are a limited number of choral scholarships that may be offered each year to non-majors singing with Harding choral groups. To apply for this scholarship, please email Dr. Kyle Pullen by February 15. A demonstration of solo singing and sight-reading will be part of the application process.


About our Director

Mrs. Stacey Neely, bio to come...

Singing performance


Choir Life

The Harding University Concert Choir provides many great opportunities to make friends, improve your musical talents, and expand your musical repertoire. With a fun and engaging atmosphere during rehearsal, members share a sense of belonging to both a family and to an integral part of campus life.

Early in September, we have a choir retreat at Greer’s Ferry Lake, where we sing an outdoor concert, swim, play volleyball and have a special choir devotional.

Concert Choir traditionally sings our first major performance of the year at Harding's Lectureship in September.

The remainder of the fall semester consists of concerts, on and close to campus, and an occasional full-day or overnight tour.

In the spring semester the Choir might participate in festivals and workshops, short overnight trips and other special activities such as the winter banquet.

The Concert Choir has a long history of recording sacred music. In addition to the recordings being sold at our concerts, they also may be purchased through the Harding Bookstore (800-477-4351). Some recordings are also available at

The two most recent recordings are a collection of spirituals (Walk Together, Children) and a CD of sacred classical choral pieces (Hosanna in Excelsis). There are several CD's of hymns as well.

Neither Angels, Nor Demons, Nor Powers

  1. Hark, I Hear the Harps Eternal
  2. Neither Angels, Nor Demons, Nor Powers
  3. Saints Bound for Heaven
  4. Dear Lord and Father of Mankind
  5. Shall We Gather at the River
  6. Do Not Abandon Me
  7. For All the Saints
  8. Haec Dies Quam Fecit Dominus
  9. Lux Aurumque
  10. Master the Tempest is Raging
  11. Ride the Chariot
  12. Rock My Soul
  13. Salmo 150
  14. The New Song
  15. High Flight
  16. This is My Father's World
  17. The Lord Bless You and Keep You

Sing to the Lord

  1. Welcome Home
  2. Muusika
  3. When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
  4. Cry Out and Shout
  5. Daniel, Daniel, Servant of the Lord
  6. Cantate Domino
  7. Holy Lord, Most Holy Lord (Great Are You Lord)
  8. 10,000 Reasons
  9. A Sign of Day to Come
  10. Sicut Cervus
  11. As the Deer Thirsts for the Water
  12. Christ, We Do All Adore Thee
  13. On Zion's Glorious Summit
  14. Our God, He is Alive
  15. A Choral Fanfare
  16. Holy, Holy
  17. Sanctus
  18. Sit Down, Servant

Walk Together, Children

  1. Witness
  2. Ain-A That Good News
  3. Soon-Ah Will Be Done
  4. Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit
  5. Jabula Jesus
  6. Signs of the Judgment
  7. O Lord, Our Lord
  8. Isaiah 43 (Do Not Fear)
  9. There's a Stirring
  10. Magnificat
  11. Amarte Solo a ti, Senor
  12. Come, Ye That Love the Lord
  13. Walk Together, Children

Hosanna in Excelsis

  1. Hosanna in Excelsis
  2. Musicks Empire
  3. Daemon Irrepit Callidus
  4. Heilig
  5. The Conversion of Saul
  6. Os Justi
  7. At the Round Earth's Imagined Corners
  8. O Magnum Mysterium
  9. All That Hath Life and Breath
  10. Open Thou Mine Eyes
  11. Cantate Domino Canticum Novum
  12. O Vos Omnes
  13. Non Nobis, Domine

Fanny J. Crosby

  1. Praise Him! Praise Him!
  2. A Wonderful Savior
  3. To The Work
  4. Though Your Sins Be As Scarlet
  5. The Half I Cannot Tell
  6. The Lord In Zion Reigneth
  7. Unsearchable Riches
  8. Blessed Assurance
  9. Nearer The Cross
  10. Rescue The Perishing
  11. Tell Me The Story of Jesus
  12. Thou My Everlasting Portion
  13. Will You Come?
  14. When Jesus Comes
  15. Pass Me Not
  16. Hide Me, O My Savior
  17. Jesus Keep Me Near The Cross
  18. Meet Me There (Interlude)
  19. To God Be The Glory
  20. Take The World, But Give Me Jesus
  21. I Shall Know Him
  22. Hold Thou My Hand
  23. Savior, More Than Life To Me
  24. All The Way My Savior Leads Me
  25. Give Me Jesus
  26. I Am Thine, O Lord
  27. Some Day The Silver Cord Will Break
  28. 'Tis The Blessed Hour Of Prayer
  29. Meet Me There
  30. Mighty Rock, Whose Towering Form
  31. Speed Away
  32. Safe In The Arms Of Jesus
  33. Jesus Is Tenderly Calling
  34. One Blessed Hour With Jesus
  35. Redeemed
  36. Welcome For Me

Most Requested Traditional Hymns

  1. Holy, Holy, Holy
  2. Precious Memories
  3. No Tears In Heaven
  4. Blessed Assurance
  5. Crossing The Bar
  6. O Love That Will Not Let Me Go
  7. Rock Of Ages
  8. Beyond The Sunset
  9. Come Ye Disconsolate
  10. Old Rugged Cross
  11. Only In Thee
  12. Safe In The Arms Of Jesus
  13. The Garden Of Prayer
  14. Sweet By And By
  15. Never Grow Old
  16. An Empty Mansion
  17. Amazing Grace
  18. It Is Well With My Soul
  19. Fairest Lord Jesus
  20. Whispering Hope
  21. My God And I
  22. Savior Breathe An Evening Blessing

People Need the Lord

  1. We Have Come Into His House
  2. Come Into His Presence
  3. Give Thanks
  4. In Moments Like These
  5. God Bless You, Go With God
  6. A Wonderful Savior (Boyd)
  7. The Way That He Loves
  8. Bless God
  9. Mercy Lord
  10. The Lord Thy God
  11. Worthy The Lamb That Was Slain
  12. Adoration (Worship The Lord)
  13. Great Is Thy Faithfulness
  14. The Highest Place
  15. Hear, O Israel
  16. Paradise Valley
  17. Heaven's Really Going To Shine
  18. Beautiful (Cleveland)
  19. Heaven Came Down
  20. People Need The Lord (Interlude)
  21. We Shall Assemble
  22. My Eyes Are Dry
  23. His Name Is Life
  24. Spirit Of The Living God
  25. Victory Chant
  26. Emmanuel, Emmanuel
  27. Power In The Blood (Chapin)
  28. Holy Presence Medley:
    • In His Presence
    • Holy Ground (Beatty)
    • Holy Ground (Davis)
    • Poured Out Like Wine
    • Come Share The Lord
    • Holy, Holy , Holy Is The Lord Of Hosts
    • I Am A Sheep
    • Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
    • I Stand In Awe
    • O How He Loves You And Me
    • People Need The Lord

Teach Me Lord to Wait

  1. Bind Us Together
  2. I Love You With The Love Of The Lord
  3. I Will Call Upon The Lord
  4. I Want To Know Christ
  5. God's Family
  6. A Common Love
  7. Morning Has Broken
  8. This Is The Day
  9. Humble Yourselves
  10. I am Crucified With Christ
  11. I Love You Lord
  12. If That Isn't Love
  13. There's Something About That Name
  14. God Is So Good
  15. We Are One In The Bond Of Love
  16. How Excellent Is Thy Name
  17. We Bow Down
  18. Unto Thee O Lord
  19. Glorify Thy Name
  20. His Name Is Wonderful
  21. Majesty
  22. Teach Me Lord To Wait
  23. As The Deer
  24. Sweet, Sweet Spirit
  25. Jesus Name Above All Names
  26. He
  27. Seek Ye First
  28. Holy Is The Lord
  29. Meekness And Majesty
  30. Pass It On
  31. Holy Ground
  32. We Will Glorify
  33. How Majestic Is Thy Name
  34. Jesus Is Lord
  35. Be Thou My Vision
  36. Because He Lives
  37. Take My Hand Precious Lord

The Greatest Commands

  1. My Eyes Are Dry
  2. Father And Friend
  3. He's My King
  4. Won't It Be Wonderful There
  5. Where No One Stands Alone
  6. Bless His Holy Name
  7. Grace Greater Than Our Sin
  8. Breathe On Me, Breath Of God
  9. Come, Christians, Join To Sing
  10. Great Is The Lord
  11. I Sing Praises To Your Name
  12. My Tribute (To God Be The Glory)
  13. We Shall Rise
  14. In Moments Like These
  15. The Greatest Commands
  16. Rejoice In The Lord Always
  17. Spirit Of The Living God
  18. How Majestic Is Your Name
  19. Jesus Is Lord (Interlude)
  20. He
  21. Come Into His Presence
  22. Highest Praise
  23. Yes, I'll Live In Glory
  24. Adoration (Worship The Lord)
  25. Lord, Be There
  26. We Shall Assemble
  27. His Name Is Life
  28. Poured Out Like Wine
  29. Come Share The Lord
  30. Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
  31. Holy, Holy, Holy, Is The Lord of Hosts
  32. If That Isn't Love
  33. Majesty
  34. Sweet, Sweet Spirit
  35. God's Family
  36. We Have Come Into His House
  37. Here, O Israel
  38. A Wonderful Savior (Boyd)

Eternal Hymns of Praise

  1. Oh, The Depth Of The Riches
  2. Lead Me To Calvary
  3. Each Step I Take
  4. Let us Break Bread Together
  5. His Grace Reaches Me
  6. The Love Of God (Highfield)
  7. The Love Of God (Lehman)
  8. Amazing Grace
  9. Only In Thee
  10. He's My King
  11. Where No One Stands Alone
  12. Won't It Be Wonderful There
  13. Grace Greater Than Our Sin
  14. Follow Me
  15. A Wonderful Savior/ Precious Lord, Take my Hand
  16. His Eye Is On The Sparrow
  17. He Lives
  18. Peace In The Valley
  19. Heaven Came Down/ Paradise Valley
  20. God's Family
  21. Crown Him With Many Crowns
  22. God Is The Fountain
  23. Because He lives
  24. The Steadfast Love Of The Lord
  25. We Shall Rise
  26. Yes, I'll Live In Glory
  27. Bless His Name
  28. Great Is Thy Faithfulness/ Heaven's Really Gonna Shine
  29. Teach Me Lord To Wait

Follow Me

  1. Boundless Love
  2. Follow Me
  3. The Love Of God
  4. Learning To Lean
  5. Praise God
  6. Thou Art Worthy, Great Jehovah
  7. His Grace Reaches Me
  8. He Is Exalted
  9. Blessed Be The Lord God Almighty
  10. He Has Made Me Glad
  11. Sing, Amen!
  12. When He Comes In Glory By and By
  13. Each Step I Take
  14. The Battle Belongs To The Lord
  15. The Family Of God
  16. Let Us Break Bread Together
  17. I Keep Falling In Love With Him
  18. Great Is The Lord Almighty
  19. I Just Came To Praise The Lord
  20. Easter Song
  21. Peace In The Valley
  22. Shine, Jesus, Shine
  23. Above All Else
  24. You Are My All In All
  25. Lord, Let Us Now Depart In Peace
  26. He Touched Me
  27. Step By Step
  28. Holy God, We Praise Your Name
  29. He Lives
  30. Lead Me To Calvary
  31. Oh, The Depth Of The Riches
  32. Freely, Freely
  33. Awesome God
  34. Sanctuary

Cantos Espirituales

  1. Eres mi fuerza
  2. Gracias, Dios
  3. Quiero alabarte
  4. Seas exaltado
  5. En momentos asi
  6. Al Rey eterno
  7. Tierra santa
  8. Canta al Senor
  9. Hijo mio
  10. El ejercito de Dios
  11. Padre nuestro
  12. A ti, el Alfa y la Omega
  13. Dios reina
  14. Tu has venido a la orilla
  15. Pon tus ojos en Cristo
  16. Señor, tu me llamas
  17. Soplo del cielo
  18. Espiritu de Dios
  19. Unidos
  20. Acuerdate de tu Creador
  21. Alabare
  22. Alabemos al Senor
  23. Aleluya
  24. Amarte solo a ti, Senor
  25. Busca primero
  26. Cristo, nombre glorioso
  27. Cuan bueno es Dios
  28. Cuan grande es el
  29. De los cielos
  30. El es Senor
  31. En tu presencia
  32. Gloria a tu nombre
  33. Hay un solo Dios
  34. Maravillosa gracia
  35. O que inmenso amor
  36. Sal de la tierra
  37. Solo tu eres santo
  38. Te amo, Rey
  39. Yo soy la luz del mundo
  40. El Senor te bendiga

What the students have to say

"Lots of people hear that I give up my lunchtime slot on MWF for choir, and they say, “But you don’t have a break!” But I really do. I love walking into that room a three times a week and sharing something so special with ninety other people. It’s so much fun, and I can only imagine how happy it makes God to hear us offer our talents back to Him, and LOVE doing it. It’s infinitely better than a lunch break, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything." - Erin Shadduck, Soprano

"Choir is happy! I love the carefree environment – everyone leaves their inhibitions at the door and has a good time. I always leave choir with a song in my head, and my spirits lifted. My dearest friends have come from choir, and I wouldn’t trade my experiences there for anything else." - Jeanie Cavender, Soprano

"For me choir was the beginning to a wonderful harmony-filled semester at Harding University. It added at least 100 different friends and people to my group of friends. Friends who I knew I would see on a regular basis and friends who are from some very different backgrounds. Choir has been a very enriching environment to me, teaching me discipline and fun throughout the years. Also, it’s always cool to have so many talented people around, knowing that they had to pass through the same audition you did at some point." - Stephan Raab, Bass

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