Theological Studies as a second major

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30 hours
4 years

Theological studies at Harding

The theological studies program is designed to help students see themselves as called to ministry, whether in official church capacity, serving Christ via their vocation, or serving the kingdom in other ways. Theological Studies equips them to serve in their local churches, careers and communities. Customized degree plans can be tailored to their specific gifts and interests, including training in spiritual formation, biblical interpretation, ethics, and vocation and mission. In the context of an intentional community, students learn more about themselves and learn to discern God’s call.


Why study theological studies at Harding?


Whether they’re pursuing traditional ministry roles like preaching and youth ministry or serving the kingdom in hospitals, schools and businesses, theological studies students have customizable options to help prepare them for a dynamic marketplace after graduation. They’re uniquely equipped to be better Bible class teachers, deacons, elders and active servants in the church as well as leaders in their careers.

Cultivating Community

The theological studies program intentionally creates a community of people who are called to serve the Lord. This shared identity cultivates a sense of belonging — a context in which we can better discern God’s call. Strategies to accomplish this goal include addressing practical needs such as a physical space prepared for group gatherings as well as refreshments, activities and worship. We believe that if we provide the space, the Lord will fill it.

True Mentorship

At most universities, academic advising looks like helping students plan their schedules so they graduate on time. Without proper advising, students often drop a second major before graduation. We are committed to providing theological studies majors all the support and resources they need to be successful. Our advising sessions do not simply focus on which course offerings are convenient for a daily schedule. Instead, we get to know our students well so we can personally recommend classes they’re interested in and faculty who become lifelong mentors.

A Higher Calling

When students choose to add theological studies as a second major, they are identifying themselves as ministers ready to serve. They take on the challenge of extra study and training because in an era of low expectations and small dreams, they are eager to be called to something bigger.

Our alumni go on to graduate studies and careers in:


Real-world experience

In addition to academic training, students gain real-world experience through internships with churches and parachurch organizations. These experiences solidify their ministry identity, increase their confidence and clarify their callings.

Co-director Meagan Justus meets with every senior throughout their final year to ensure they’re ready for graduation. She knows their names, gifts and interests and connects them with church communities and ministry opportunities. In the theological studies program, advising is not just about fulfilling graduation requirements; it’s about what’s best for students’ lives.


Theology and more

Every semester, the theological studies program hosts events in a speaker series called “Theology and ____,” which encourage students to consider how theology intersects with various academic disciplines and life experiences. Last year, Dr. Laurie Eloe from the University of Dayton spoke on Theology and Math to all students in University chapel as well as in special presentations for Bible faculty and a math seminar class. Dr. Stacey Rodenbeck from Harding’s Department of Biology also shared a special presentation on Theology and Grief, speaking from her personal experience as a young widow raising two young children. These conversations invite students to explore what it looks like to integrate ministry into their professional lives. In the 2024-25 academic year, the program will host speakers on technology and hospital chaplaincy.

Other, less formal gatherings give students opportunities to hear from Bible faculty about course offerings so they are better equipped to choose the courses that will be most meaningful to them. All of these events help cultivate deeper relationships among majors and their mentors. 

  • Ministry and service
  • Scripture and interpretation
  • Philosophy and ethics
  • Christian doctrine
  • Choose to build your own customized track

Theology: theos (God) + logos (word or expression)

Theology is a discipline that includes: 

  • Biblical theology — the study of what Scripture says about God
  • Systematic theology — the study of the doctrines of the Christian faith
  • Theological ethics — the study of how God relates to the good life
  • Practical theology — the study of the implications of what we say about God on our life in the Church
  • Philosophical theology — pursuit of an understanding of God through the fundamental categories of reality

Theological studies students draw on the wide range of courses offered in the College of Bible and Ministry. Some are studying biblical languages and texts or developing practical ministry skills. Others are exploring missions or diving deep into philosophy and Christian doctrine. All are sharing in the common culture of academic excellence and spiritual focus that characterizes all classes at Harding. 

More than $200,000 in Bible scholarships are available each year. Students in Theological Studies are urged to apply for these funds. Scholarships are awarded to students based on character, church and program involvement, academic performance and potential for effectiveness in ministry. 

I taught a philosophy, literature and modern history course in a summer program at Yale University last month, and my theological studies classes definitely prepared me for some of the more difficult student questions about religion in society.
Isaac Raymond ('24)

Siloam Springs, Arkansas

Interdisciplinary studies, linguistics and theological studies major

I’m teaching middle school English in Northwest Arkansas, and theological studies prepared me for this job in ways I wouldn’t have thought. I know what it means to truly be a teacher — to love these kids as the great teacher loved us. This program gave me the eyes to see and ears to hear the language of God, the ways he speaks to us and through us by means of love.
Evie Boyd (’24)

Murfreesboro, Tennessee

English and theological studies major

“A second major in theological studies really helped grow my faith. ... I’ve been given the opportunity to continue to grow in my knowledge of Scripture and of spiritual practices and to serve the people around me.”
Luke Bensinger

Manchester, Missouri

“I’ve been prepared to serve the church by broadening my worldview. ... I’ve been able to explore different ideologies and the history of faith as well as building relationships in community.”
Hannah Diles

Columbia, Tennessee

“Learning how Jesus served and humbled himself to become a man on this earth when he had so much power he could have used ... makes me want to walk and live like he did in every way possible.”
Alayla Darden

Searcy, Arkansas

fastest-growing major at Harding
declared majors in Fall 2024

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