The Healthcare Ethics & Human Dignity Initiative is brand new, but our story began 50 years ago. In 1971, the same year the term “bioethics” was coined, Harding alumnus David Smith graduated from medical school. He began to experience firsthand the difficult questions surrounding the beginning and end of life. He felt he was poorly trained to deal with these ethically challenging issues and wondered how many Christian doctors felt the same. He began a journey of study and exploration in the theological and philosophical foundations for a Christian perspective on bioethical issues.
Blessed by God financially, Smith has pioneered this new initiative, helping secure the initial funds and helping select the director. He now serves on the executive team along with other incredibly noteworthy leaders. Dr. Robert Lawrence, for example, is a Harding alumnus who has recently been named Chief Medical Officer for the State of Alaska. He, like Smith, holds both a Doctor of Medicine and master’s degree in Christian bioethics from the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.
Currently, the David E. Smith Healthcare Ethics & Human Dignity Initiative is led by a wide range of highly credentialed leaders across a variety of disciplines, both within the Harding community and beyond; in the United States and around the world. Our dream is to be a recognized voice of Christian wisdom on ethical issues every family will face, preparing a generation to lead with the love of Christ.