Center for Ministry

Family Ministry

The CFM connects churches with students who are interested in serving families in a congregational setting. Many churches from all over the U.S. are seeking to hire Harding students and graduates to serve as summer interns and full-time ministers to adolescents, children, college students and more.


Theological Studies

Larger than a minor but smaller than a primary major, the Theological Studies program is built to complement a student’s first major and can be completed in a traditional four-year plan. This major is designed for students who desire to deepen their knowledge of God and scripture and enhance their ministry skills for service. Theological Studies will provide flexibility and can be tailored to individual interests and calling.



Located in the McInteer Bible and World Missions building, the Center for Preaching exists to inspire and equip the next generation of Christian preachers as well as to offer resources and encouragement to those already in the field.

Contact Information

Center for Ministry

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At Harding University, you'll have the opportunity to be transformed academically, relationally and spiritually so you're prepared to change the world.