Missionary Database Registration

Dear Missionary of the churches of Christ

Thank you for visiting this page and for your willingness to participate in this project to obtain updated and accurate information on the number and location of our missionaries in the world. The form only takes minutes to complete and will be of great service to future missionaries and churches making important decisions about where to serve. Please share this link with other missionaries who are serving or who have served in your same country or continent. Please direct any questions or concerns you have to CWMResearch@harding.edu.

Thank you,

Shawn Daggett
Harding University Center for World Missions, Director



The purpose of this form is to provide accurate statistical information about current and former missionaries to relevant organizations, churches and individuals.



The information of forms marked "may share" will only be given to a limited number of people who are directly interested in becoming missionaries or supporting missionaries. The only information from this database that is released publicly for broad distribution is the total number of missionaries working per country without listing locations or names. Being able to present an accurate picture of the current state of missionaries of the churches of Christ has the potential to influence many others to become full-time, long-term missionaries or to support missionaries.

Full privacy statement pdf

Registration Form

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Any other information you wish to share with us

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