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City of Tirana
Duration of Internship: 6-8 weeks
Internships Elements: work with children and youth, create program and conduct VBS, teach English using the Bible, church camp, work with and visit area churches.

City of Brisbane; Holland Park Church of Christ
Duration of Internship: 6-10 weeks (It will be wintertime there)
Internship Elements: work with the active youth/young adults, teach children’s classes, assist in worship services, outreach to community through local community center, food pantry, possible contact with immigrant population.

City of Florianopolis
Duration of Internship: 8-10 weeks (It will be wintertime there)
Internship Elements: youth outreach, cultural exchange and work with local schools, Bible camp, teaching English using the Bible, musical performances in public places.

City of Almaty
Duration of Internship: 6-8 weeks
Internship Elements: Russian speaking church; youth outreach & activities; Bible camp; orphanage; work projects; teaching English using the Bible

City of Pokhara
Duration of Internship: 6 weeks
Internship Elements: Shadowing missionaries, small group meetings, teaching English using the Bible, survey trip.

Duration of Internship: 6-7 weeks
Internship Elements: Youth & young adult ministry, participating/leading in worship services and Bible class, Church camp, VBS, creating social media pieces for the Church.

City of Bangkok and area communities
Duration of Internship: 6-8 weeks
Internship Elements: Work with local church, campus ministry, teaching English using the Bible, activities with children in schools, VBS

City of Antalya
Duration of Internship: 8-10 weeks
Internship Elements: Shadowing the various leaders, spiritual retreats, participating in worship services, small group and individual meetings.
*Fundraising goal for all sites is $3,900