Mission Training
The Center for World Missions provides training for all individuals who wish to prepare themselves for missions.
Our vision is to inspire all Harding students, regardless of major or vocation, to fulfill the will of God to take the Gospel to every nation.
Spring Break Missions allow students to have an engaging experience serving their neighbor both in the United States and abroad. We pray that this one-week experience can provide the basic framework that students can build upon as they leave the University.
A unique campus dedicated to equipping Christians with skills to serve around the world by providing an introductory experience in cross-cultural service and hands-on missionary training.
Outreach America identifies, equips and coaches disciple makers and church planters. We work with students, churches and campus ministries to reach out through discipleship and church planting in North America.
Special Opportunities
Living World Religions students participate in a field trip to either St. Louia or Dallas, to visit with people of various world religions in their places of worship including representatives of Ba'hai, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and others.
History of Missions provides students the opportunity to travel to Boston and throughout the state of Massachusetts to visit key sites of historical significance to American missionary efforts accompanied by their professor.
Global Missions Experience takes place every three years at Harding University Tahkodah. GME is a three-day, hands-on training in missions involving university students from across the United States and missionaries from around the world.
Global Missions Conference is for mission-minded University students, missionaries and representatives of churches. GMC is in a rotation with GME to provide students an opportunity to experience both activities during their years at Harding.
Global Apprenticeship Program - Center for World Missions partners with missionaries in the field and U.S. churches to send qualified apprentices to work under the supervision of a missionary for 18-24 months as a missionary-in-training.
Medical Missions Seminar is an annual event that gathers medical mission workers and other interested individuals each January in Dallas. The Center for World Missions assists students who wish to attend this event.
All Missions Fellowship is for all Harding students with an interest in domestic and foreign mission efforts. Students participate in a weekly gathering for a period of devotion, prayer and instruction from various speakers.