Centennial Celebration

President Clifton L. Ganus Jr. and Vice President for Finance Lott Tucker hold the cylinder for the University time capsule. Buried on Oct. 4, 1979, it is set to be opened on Founders Day 2024.

Nearly a century ago, our founders envisioned a Christ-centered University that would make a profound difference in the world. Their resolute faith, keen sacrifice and enduring spirit has paved the way for us today. It is that legacy we remember and honor as we celebrate 100 years of Harding and look forward to a bold future. Harding University’s Centennial Celebration will commence in September 2023, followed by a yearlong observance culminating on Harding’s 100th birthday in September 2024.

Major Centennial Events

Check back for more details as plans for our Centennial Celebration unfolds.

Founders Day 2023 — Sept. 7, 2023
(99th anniversary of the first day of classes)

100th Annual Lectureship — Sept. 24-27, 2023

Homecoming — Nov. 2-4, 2023

50th Spring Sing: “Golden” — March 28-30, 2024

History Faire — April 6, 2024

Total Solar Eclipse Events— April 8-9, 2024

Founders Day 2024 — Sept. 5, 2024
(100th anniversary of the first day of classes)

Centennial Prayer Walk

Welcome to the Harding University Centennial Prayer Walk, an inspiring journey to commemorate the institution's first 100 years and set the foundation for its second century. Scripture is embedded in the Harding University campus. As we embark on this walk, we remember the founders who used Scripture as their guide to build this school and uphold its mission. Let us join together in faith and prayer as we reflect on the past and envision a bold future.


Before you begin the prayer walk, take a moment to center yourself in prayer and contemplation. Prepare your heart and mind to engage with Scripture, history and the mission of Harding University. You may want to bring a journal, pen and Bible with you to make notes and record your thoughts and prayers along the way.

Prayer Walk Route:

Please note that the provided directions offer a recommended path for the Harding University Centennial Prayer Walk. We encourage you to modify it to suit your personal preferences. Whether you are physically present on campus or not, you can engage in a prayer walk using this guide to intercede for Harding. This can be done individually or as part of a group.

Starting Point: Harding College Arch

Begin your journey at the Harding College arch, a symbol of the University's beginnings. Take a moment to pray for God's guidance and wisdom throughout this prayer walk offering praise and thanksgiving. 

Thornton Education Center (Isaiah 1:18) 

Reflect on Isaiah 1:18: "Come now, let us reason together," says the Lord. Pray for a spirit of unity and understanding within the Harding and Searcy communities. 

First Ladies Garden & Legacy Park (Phillipians 1:3-6)

Pause at the First Ladies Garden, a place of beauty and reflection. Meditate on the timeless wisdom of Philippians 1:3-6. If time permits, take a leisurely stroll through Legacy Park, where each house marker reveals the history of families who made selfless sacrifices, leaving an indelible mark on the Harding community. Pray about God's marvelous creation and give thanks for the unique contributions of each individual student, faculty member, administrator and staff member — both past and present.

Farrar and Swaid Centers for Health Sciences (Psalm 139:13-14 and 1 John 4:7)

Reflect on Psalm 139:13-14: "I am fearfully and wonderfully made." Thank God for your unique design and purpose. Pray for a deeper understanding of your own worth and value in the eyes of the Creator and ask for guidance to fulfill the purpose he has designed specifically for you.

As you reach the Swaid Center for Health Sciences, ponder 1 John 4:7: "Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God." Pray for compassion and love to be evident in all endeavors at Harding.

Ganus Activities Complex (Mark 12:30)

Arrive at the Ganus Activities Complex, where you can consider Mark 12:30: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength." Pray for a wholehearted commitment to God in all aspects of life at Harding.

Mabee Business Building (Jeremiah 29:11)

Reflect on Jeremiah 29:11: "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Pray for God's guidance in the pursuit of knowledge, entrepreneurship and leadership within the business world.

McInteer Bible and World Missions Center (Matthew 28:19-20)

As you stand before the McInteer Bible and World Missions Center, contemplate the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20. Pray for the University's mission to make disciples and spread the gospel to all nations.

Ezell Building (1 Corinthians 3:11-11)

Reflect on 1 Corinthians 3:11-11: "Other foundation can no man lay than that which is laid which is Christ Jesus." Pray for a firm foundation of faith in all academic and spiritual pursuits.

Holland-Waller Center (Romans 12:2)

Take a moment to stop at the Holland-Waller Center and contemplate Romans 12:2: "Do not be conformed to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." Offer prayers for the students, alumni and friends of Harding spread across the globe as they strive to live out their faith and make a positive global impact, reflecting Christ's love through their service and actions.

David B. Burks American Heritage Building (Hebrews 12:2 and Matthew 20:28)

Consider Hebrews 12:2: "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith..." Pray for a focus on Christ as the source of inspiration and guidance in all academic and personal journeys. 

Conclude your prayer walk with Matthew 20:28: "...the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." Pray for a spirit of service and selflessness within the Harding community as it continues to impact the world.

Closing Prayer:

Offer a final prayer of gratitude for the opportunity to reflect on Scripture, history and the mission of Harding University. May God bless Harding as it enters its second century making an immense difference in the lives of new generations of young people who are determined to change the world. In Jesus name, Amen.


Prayer Walk Map
prayer walk map
The 1924 Experience

In 1924, Harding College set her foundations in Morrilton, Arkansas and entered into a world caught between the horrors of World War I and the excesses of the Roaring Twenties. The context into which Harding stepped is just as important to her history as her mission, and, by engaging in The 1924 Experience, you can begin to understand that world and that context. Join us at this year's events as we explore the 1924 in which Harding's first faculty and students found themselves.

To learn more, visit The 1924 Experience

September 16 - Compulsion at the Rialto

September 25 - Robert Frost Poetry Walk

October 19 - Dr. Kinney - 1920s Aviation

October 30 - Dr. Klein - The 1924 Abolition of the Ottoman Caliphate and the Birth of the Modern Middle East

November 2 - Dr. Beverly Gage - J. Edgar Hoover

November 9 - Dr. Dale Manor - Looking both Directions: Biblical Archaeology in the 1920s

December 4 - Dr. Adams & Dr. Gallagher - The Death of Vladimir Lenin and the Birth of His Personality Cult

January 8-February 17 - Covarrubias Art Exhibit

January 16 - Tuba Skinny Concert

January 18 - Dr. Kee - Harding: A Prequel

January 30 - Dr. Tacoma - Calvin Coolidge

February 6 - Dr. Jason Jewell - Recovering the Moral Imagination: Irving Babbitt's "Democracy and Leadership" at 100

February 19 - Dr. K. Lomawaima - Indian Citizenship Act

February 27 - Dr. Leon Blue - Heartbeats

March 26 - Dr. Chrissy Yee Lau - Asian Exclusion Act

March 28-30 - Harlem Renaissance

April 5 - Hubble Book Reading

April 6 - 100 Years of Arkansas Education

April 20 - The 1924 Experience Celebration Dinner

Full schedule of Centennial Events



Alaskan Cruise June 9-16, 2023
Convocation Aug. 21, 2023

Founders Day Celebration

Harding's 99th birthday, kickoff to Centennial Celebration

Sept. 7, 2023
Family Weekend Sept. 15-16, 2023
Dedication of the Ted Lloyd Track Sept. 16, 2023
Global Missions Experience at HUT Sept. 21-24, 2023
100th Bible Lectureship Sept. 24-27, 2023
Dedication of the Center for Translation Sept. 29, 2023

Colloquium on Liberal Arts

"Looking Back, Looking Forward: Harding University at 100" | presentations on experiences at Harding by faculty, students and alumni

Oct. 3, 10, 17 and 24

Harding Academy Homecoming

Oct. 27, 2023

Homecoming 2023

Weekend festivities include the musical “Mary Poppins,” the dedication of the new Holland-Waller Center, academic events with alumni speakers from each college, an All Social Club Reunion, the Heritage Circle and Black & Gold banquets, the tailgate and football game and many other opportunities to reconnect and make new memories.

Nov. 2-4, 2023

Dedication of the Holland-Waller Center

Nov. 4, 2023
S.A. President's Reunion Nov. 11, 2023
Harding Christmas Lighting Ceremony Nov. 27, 2023
Community Christmas Open House Dec. 7, 2023
Campus Players Christimas Production Dec. 7-9, 2023

Fall Commencement

Dec. 16, 2023
International Programs trips for alumni and friends
"The Importance of Being Earnest" Feb. 8-10, 15-17, 2024
Spring Sing  March 28-30, 2024
NASA Day April 5, 2024
Total Solar Eclipse April 8, 2024
Arts & Life Performance by the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra April 9, 2024
Morrilton Day: Harding at 1924 Spring
Spring Commencement May 4, 2024
Convocation Aug. 19, 2024
Founders Day Celebration Sept. 5, 2024

Events throughout the year

Campus Resources

Campus News

Harding Magazine

Social Media

Harding App

Alumni Relations

Alumni Tours

Harding University International Programs is pleased to invite Alumni and Friends of Harding University to travel the world with us in celebration of Harding's Centennial.

History Tour

Take a walk down memory lane with the self-guided Harding History Tour!