Summer Stampede

Energy group leaders, peer guides and student volunteers welcome first-year students to campus each year for Stampede.

Move-In Day - Wednesday, August 14th, 2024


Stampede - Thursday, August 15th - Saturday, August 17th, 2024

Stampede is the second tier of the first-year orientation process for incoming freshman and transfer students following Bison Bound. This weekend is jam-packed with fun activities and entertainment.

We know how important it is to start your college career on a high note. That's why we are so fired up! Stampede will help you get off to a great start and make a lasting impression on your life at Harding. Be sure to follow us on Instagram: @hu_stampede


Stampede Schedule 2024

More information coming soon!



Frequently Asked Questions

What is Stampede?

Stampede is both a required and fun orientation program (yes, both words can be used in the same sentence). This orientation program is designed to be an engaging, entertaining and exciting experience. You will move into your official dorm, meet/reconnect with other incoming students, get free stuff and start your Harding experience on a good note. Approximately 200 volunteer students will be there to answer all of your questions and help you get oriented to life on campus.

Is there a parent schedule for Stampede

There is no parent schedule for Stampede. Parents are welcome to stay as long as they would like, but students will be busy with Stampede activities. Our suggestion is for parents to help their students move-in, spend a few more moments together and then let them start their Harding experience.

When can I move into my dorm?

All students are invited to participate in our official Move In Day. If you are involved in a sport or an officially-recognized University organization then you will need to check with the sponsor of that organization or sport for your move-in date.

Will I have free time to relax or finish setting up my dorm room before school starts?

There is free time built into the Stampede schedule, including all of Sunday afternoon. We recommend using this time to make any last minute Walmart trips to finish organizing your room and to take your first college nap.

What about meals?

All meals are provided during Stampede. Simply show your Stampede name tag when you enter the cafeteria and you will be all set. Please note that entrance to the cafeteria without a name tag will not be allowed. If you lose your nametag you may have it replaced for a small fee. Your meal plan (DCB and Cafeteria Swipes) will be activated on the first day of classes.

Who attends Stampede?

Stampede is required of all incoming freshman and transfer students. However, a few exceptions to this include those students involved in some of Harding's collegiate sports teams and official musical groups.

Contact Information
