President's Council

About the President's Council

The President's Council has provided more than 50 years of service to the University. With energy and generosity, council members have a distinguished record of faithful support. The council includes alumni and friends who are committed to the mission of Harding University and act as:


The President's Council is a Partnership

The Council includes people who are committed to the mission of Harding University: to integrate faith, learning and living. From a wide geographical distribution, the University seeks additional men and women for Council membership who demonstrate interest in advancing the cause of Christian education and its potential impact on the world through their service to Harding University.

Commitment is also shown through contributions to the President’s Council Scholarship Fund. We are seeking a multi-year commitment (typically three years) at the levels listed. This can be set up monthly or however is best for you. You would join members across the nation who love Harding and the Christian atmosphere that our students experience.


Membership and Giving Levels

Your commitment and support enable Harding to continue the legacy set by our past presidents and many others who made Harding their personal ministry. As a token of our appreciation for your donation, you will have the option to be recognized on a donor wall in the lobby of the David B. Burks American Heritage building.


Join or Learn More

Complete the interest form or contact the Office of University Advancement directly:



Benefits and Events

All donors share one important reward for their gifts: the personal satisfaction of making an investment in the mission of the University. Every gift strengthens Harding University. The President’s Council is designed to acknowledge the loyal support of donors. Benefits for members can include:

  • Online newsletter highlighting events on campus and President’s Council-related news
  • Opportunities to provide feedback to the University
  • Invitations to meet and hear from the president at the semi-annual President’s Council breakfast meetings
  • Two complimentary tickets to the Black and Gold Dinner during Homecoming in the fall
  • Tickets to the President’s Council tailgating lunch prior to Homecoming football game
  • Two complimentary tickets to the Homecoming football game and the Homecoming musical
  • Two complimentary tickets to Spring Sing
  • Optional name recognition on the President’s Council display in the Heritage lobby
  • Other events throughout the year

President's Council Spring Meeting & Brunch

Saturday, April 12, 2025

10 a.m. President's Council bi-annual meeting, Cone Chapel

11:30 a.m. Breakout Sessions

  • Heritage 206 (Region's Room)
  • Heritage 209
  • Heritage 210

1 p.m. PhilanthroCorp Representative meetings, Armstrong Room (2nd floor Heritage)

2 p.m. Spring Sing 2025: "Rise," Benson Auditorium

7 p.m. Spring Sing 2025: "Rise," Benson Auditorium

We’re excited to celebrate Spring Sing weekend with you — now on the second weekend of April each year. Check out the full schedule and details of the campus-wide Spring Sing activities. President's Council members will receive an email from with the meeting registration and other details sometime in March 2025.

President's Council Fall Meeting & Homecoming Tailgate

Saturday, November 1, 2025

8 a.m. President's Council bi-annual meeting, Cone Chapel

11:30 a.m. President's Council Homecoming tailgate, Bison Park

3 p.m. Bison football, First Security Stadium

7:30 p.m. Homecoming musical, Benson Auditorium

Join us as we celebrate Harding University's Homecoming! Check out the full schedule and details of the campus-wide Homecoming activities. President's Council members will receive an email from with the meeting registration and other details around the end of August 2025.

Contact Information