Global Missions Retreat

Global Missions Retreat 2024

Find your inspired purpose in God’s mission
and imagine where and how you can serve in the world.


Join us 
September 20th -22nd 2024

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This retreat is held at Camp Tahkodah is for all students and employees interested in joining God in his mission through their chosen professions or full-time jobs, both domestically and internationally.

The event will feature meaningful worship sessions with keynote speakers
Dr. Nathan Bills and Dr. Samuel Twumasi-Ankrah from Ghana.

Special sessions will include engaging classes on spiritual formation and missions opportunities from around the world. 


What you'll experience

The Market

The Market Experience is an amazing opportunity to get a taste of daily life in many countries.

From haggling shopkeepers, to roadside musicians, to the noise of crowded streets, the market provides an overwhelming sensory experience.

In the market, participants will get to work together with a group of other missions-minded people to purchase, prepare and eat a meal as part of an exciting hands-on cultural opportunity.


Learning Stations

Get outside the classroom setting and experience missions! Camp Tahkodah and HUT provide excellent locations to participate in hands-on learning stations.
You will:


Contact Information

Global Missions Experience