Graduation 2025

#HUgrad25 - Students, families & friends, use this hashtag to share photos and moments on social media.

Fall | December 14, 2024

All colleges will gather at 9 a.m. to celebrate together. There is only one ceremony time in December. Line up for candidates will be in the science building at 8:15 a.m. Benson doors will be opened at 8 a.m. for guest seating. All guest seating is reserved and complimentary through In addition, we invite graduates and their families to attend a complimentary brunch following graduation. An RSVP for the brunch is requested. Please read below on the website for more information.



Interactive Downloadable Program - Fall 2024


Spring | May 10, 2025

9 a.m.

College of Bible and Ministry
Harding School of Theology
and Departments of: 

12 p.m.

College of Business Administration
College of Education
and Departments of:

3 p.m.

College of Allied Health
College of Nursing

Applied Studies majors will participate with their primary area of study and should confirm the commencement time with their academic advisor.

Students completing undergraduate degrees with multiple majors in different colleges will walk with their primary degree, as selected on the graduation application. Students completing both an undergraduate and graduate degree will walk with the candidates for the highest degree.

Complimentary Tickets Required

The commencement ceremony is held in the Benson Auditorium and will be live streamed at Tickets are required for all guest seating.

Complimentary reserved tickets for commencement will be available at beginning Monday, April 1, 2025 at 9 am.

There is not a limit on the number of tickets any graduate may order, but we do ask that you coordinate with your family before ordering tickets to determine any accessibility needs and ensure orders are not duplicated. We anticipate having plenty of space for everyone who wishes to attend in person, but we will likely utilize the entire auditorium.

In order to ensure everyone needing accessibility accommodations can be assisted, we ask that you consider having some of your friends and family, who are physically capable, sit in the balcony as there is no elevator access to balcony seating. If you find that you have more tickets than your family will use, you may return them by contacting the box office at or 501-279-4276.


View Recent Ceremonies



LINE OF MARCH: It is important that you find your name on the Line of March to assure we have not overlooked anyone. If your name is on the list but you do not plan to attend, please notify, or call 501-279-4328. If your name is not on the list but you do plan to attend, please notify the office.


Alphabetical Line of March - Fall 2024 



Line of March - Fall 2024



There will be no rehearsal for the commencement ceremonies. Rather, students will be led in by faculty marshals.


Where to be for fall 2024 Commencement (December 14, 2024)

Where to be for spring 2025 Commencement (May 10, 2025)

9 a.m. — 

12 p.m. — 

  • Line up in the Pryor-England Science Building at 11:15 a.m.; doors to the Benson Auditorium will be unlocked 45 minutes after the 9 a.m. ceremony concludes.

3 p.m. — 

  • Line up in the Pryor-England Science Building at 2:15 p.m.; doors to the Benson Auditorium will be unlocked 45 minutes after the noon ceremony concludes.

What to wear:

  • Men: wear a dress shirt with dark slacks, socks and shoes.
  • Women: wear dark clothing and dark shoes.
  • Please do not chew gum.
  • Please do not decorate your cap or gown in any way or add anything to your regalia other than approved honor cords. Failure to comply could lead to your removal from the line of march.
  • Undergraduates should place the tassel on the RIGHT side of the cap; Master’s and Specialist candidates should place the tassel on the LEFT side of the cap. Place the cap on the middle of your head so that the point is lined up with the middle of your forehead. Adjust the mortarboard so it is parallel to the ground — don’t wear it to the side or to the back. You may need some bobby pins or clips to keep it securely on your head.
  • Master’s and Specialist candidates should be wearing hoods. The dean or marshal can help during line up if you have a question, but the following are a few helpful tips regarding how to wear your hood:
    • Make sure your hood is not inside out; the satin should be on the inside and the black material mostly on the outside.
    • Put the hood on over your head with the velvet side up and the small tapered end pointing down in front. There may be a loop on the front point of the hood to secure it to a shirt button, or you may wish to pin the loop to a blouse or dress, under your gown.
    • Drape the hood around your neck with the largest portion of the hood hanging down your back.
    • Flip the middle of the back of the hood, where the Harding colors are, outward to show the gold and black satin; roll the velvet edge out a bit as well so that the inside colors show. When you’re done, the end of the hood will look somewhat like a shark fin.
  • Doctoral candidates should place the tassel on the LEFT side of the tam and will be hooded on stage.

Congratulations to those of you who have completed this milestone in your formal education! All commencement ceremonies are held in the Benson Auditorium, and each ceremony will be live streamed at and on Harding University's Facebook page. We look forward to seeing you and your families!

candidates for graduation
number of different degrees conferred
nations and territories represented

Celebration Reception

All May graduates, family members and friends are invited to join the Harding faculty and administrators for an informal reception in the University Dining Hall following the ceremony. This is your opportunity to introduce the special people in your life! More information will be available soon.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please review your catalog for specific degree requirements. University graduation requirements are also posted in the catalog and may be found at

By University policy, to be approved to walk in the May commencement ceremony, candidates must have all degree requirements completed by the date of commencement. As the only exception, candidates who will complete degree requirements by enrolling at Harding in their final class during the Harding Intersession term are allowed to participate. Students who complete their degree during Intersession, while they may participate in the May commencement ceremony, their degrees will be awarded after Intersession and they are considered summer graduates.

Students who complete degree requirements after May degrees are verified will participate in the December ceremony, with the exception of pharmacy students who complete degree requirements after May degrees are awarded, and they will participate in the next May ceremony. Similarly, students who complete degree requirements after the December degrees are checked and verified will participate in the upcoming May commencement ceremony.

Get professional: Students will be able to visit a booth set up for resume building and interact with the variety of career services the university has to offer.

Get connected: The Office of Alumni Relations and Generation HU, the University's young alumni program, will be set up with stations to meet students and begin relationships with them as they step into their new Harding roles as alumni.

Get swag: Students will have the opportunity to shop for a frame for their diplomas and pick up other various Harding apparel and souvenirs before they leave campus.

Get robed: This will also serve as the location for students to pick up their caps and gowns for commencement ceremonies.

Get excited: Grad Fest will not only provide one place for students to take care of their requirements before graduating, but it will also facilitate fun and excitement among graduates as they celebrate this milestone in their lives together. Throughout the event, we encourage all students to participate in every opportunity involved in Grad Fest and celebrate their academic achievements as college graduates.

  • All students, who the degree audit identifies as being complete, will receive an email inviting them to order their academic regalia for Commencement.
    • The cost of your cap and gown is included in your graduation fee; there is no extra charge.
    • Please verify you are on track by running your degree audit (Pipeline > Student > Degree Evaluation).
  • All undergraduate and graduate students will receive a black and gold tassel with a Harding medallion attached. Doctoral students who receive a tam as part of their regalia receive a gold tassel.
  • If you did not pick up your cap and gown at Grad Fest but already placed an order, please contact the Alumni Office at 501-279-4276 or For those who did not order before the deadline, you should contact the Alumni Office who will have a limited amount of regalia on hand, and these gowns will be distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis through commencement.
  • If you have any questions, please email
Degree Department Hood Color
D.P.T. Physical Therapy TEAL
Ed.D. Education LIGHT BLUE
Ed.S. Education-Educational Leadership LIGHT BLUE
Ed.S. Education-Clinical Mental Health Counseling LIGHT BLUE
Ed.S. Education-Professional School Counseling LIGHT BLUE
Ed.S. Marriage & Family Counseling LIGHT BLUE
M.A., M.A.T., M.Ed., M.S., M.S.E. Education LIGHT BLUE
M.A. History WHITE
M.A. Organizational Leadership WHITE
M.Arch. Architecture BLUE-VIOLET
M.B.A. Business KHAKI
M.S. Applied Dietetics Practice KELLY GREEN
M.S. Education-Clinical Mental Health Counseling LIGHT BLUE
M.S. Education-Professional School Counseling LIGHT BLUE
M.S. Education-Student Affairs LIGHT BLUE
M.S. Cardiac Function & Interventional Technology KELLY GREEN
M.S. Kinesiology & Sport Administration SAGE GREEN
M.S. Speech-Language Pathology SILVER
M.S. Strength & Conditioning SAGE GREEN
M.S.I.S. Business KHAKI
M.S.M.F.C. Marriage & Family Counseling LIGHT BLUE
M.S.N. Nursing APRICOT
M.S.P.A.S Physician Assistant KELLY GREEN
Organization Colors Pick-up Location
Alpha Chi
National Academic Honor Society
GREEN/BLUE Sears Honors House
Alpha Psi Omega
GOLD/BLUE Reynolds C101
American Studies Institute RED/WHITE/BLUE Heritage 211
Armed Services RED/WHITE/BLUE submit request to
Chi Sigma Iota
BLUE/WHITE order from
Delta Mu Delta
Honors College Graduates WHITE/GOLD/BLACK Sears Honors House
Kappa Delta Pi
PURPLE Thornton Education Center 130
Kappa Mu Epsilon
PINK/GRAY Pryor-England 100-D
National Student Nurses' Association Leadership University Honor Society LIGHT BLUE/ BROWN/GOLD Swaid 106
Nu Delta Chapter of Kappa Omicron Nu
Family & Consumer Sciences
MAUVE/IVORY Hendrix 210
Omicron Delta Kappa
National Leadership Honor Society
Phi Alpha Theta
RED/LIGHT BLUE Holland-Waller 101
Phi Sigma Iota
Foreign Language
PURPLE/WHITE order in Holland-Waller 102
Pi Sigma Alpha
Political Science
RED/WHITE/BLACK Holland-Waller 101
Psi Chi
Sigma Nu Tau
GREEN/GOLD Mabee 202
Sigma Tau Delta
RED/BLACK American Studies 300
Sigma Theta Tau
PURPLE/WHITE order from
Student-Athlete Honor Roll BLACK/WHITE/OLD GOLD Ganus Activities Complex main office

There are no honor cords for cum laude, magna cum laude or summa cum laude. These honors are designated in the program, on the diploma and on the transcript.

Harding uses an external vendor, Parchment, to provide access to your electronic diploma. Within two weeks of the awarding of your degree, you will receive an email from Parchment containing a link for viewing, downloading and/or printing your electronic diploma. Receipt of this electronic diploma is the confirmation that your degree has been awarded. Your paper diploma will arrive a few weeks after the electronic version.

For students who are awarded a Bachelor's or Master's degree, the paper diploma size is 8.5" x 11".

For those who are awarded a Doctoral degree, the paper diploma size is 11" x 14".

Contact Information

Mailing address:
Harding University
Registrar's Office
HU 10766
Searcy, AR 72149-5615