Ronnie Clements graduated in 2019 with a B.S. in psychology and is currently pursuing a doctorate in engineering education at Purdue University. In addition to being a McNair Scholar, Ronnie was also a member of the Beyond Professional Identity (BPI) research lab directed by Dr. James Huff. In 2021, Ronnie was awarded the prestigious National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship in the field of Engineering Education Research.

Dr. Kanembe Shanachilubwa graduated in 2019 with a B.S. in mechanical engineering. In 2021, Kanembe was awarded the prestigious National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship among other awards and fellowships. In 2023, he graduated with a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from Penn State University.

Dr. Tessa Zuniga graduated in 2015 with a B.S. in psychology. After leaving Harding University, Dr. Zuniga received her M.A. in industrial organizational psychology in 2018 and her Ph.D. in business psychology in 2023 from The Chicago School of Professional Psychology (TCSPP). While attending TCSPP, Dr. Zuniga was a teacher’s assistant, Assessment Center coordinator and moved into an adjunct professor role teaching performance appraisal. Professionally, Dr. Zuniga has used her degrees while working as a member of the Human Resources team for a Federally Qualified Health Center in Chicago. Her research in job crafting, engaging leadership and work engagement has been inspired by her experience as a first generational student working to build a career in helping organizations support employee’s development and work engagement.

Austin Hayes graduated in 2019 with a B.A. in French and international studies. In 2021, Hayes received the highly competitive David L. Boren Fellowship to study in Indonesia for the 2021-2022 academic year. In 2022, Hayes graduated with an M.S. in global studies from Oklahoma State University, where he is currently an academic advisor in the College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology.