McNair Application

Are you Eligible?

Check the Federal TRIO Programs Current-Year Low Income Levels pdf to see if you are eligible.

* Required field

General Information

Name exactly as it appears on your driver’s license or other government ID

Gender *
Marital Status *
if applicable

Three Contacts

Eligibility Demographics

Ethnicity *
Mark all that apply.
According to McNair federal guidelines, Hispanic/Latino refers to a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of origin. As such, every Hispanic/Latino person has an associated race or races as noted below.
American Indian/Alaskan Native refers to a person having origins in any of the peoples of North, South, or Central America and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment.
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander refers to a person having origins in Hawaii or the Federal States of Micronesia or Palau, also known as the “Freely Associated States.”
Asian refers to a person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent, including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.
Black or American of African descent refers to a person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa.
White or American of European descent refers to a person having origins in any of the peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.
First Generation College Student

Student Aid Report (SAR)

Educational Information

Transfer Student *
Attended Community College *
Ex. 1st yr / sophomore
Ex. 5th yr / senior
Which of the following best describes your commitment to attend graduate school? *


List the names, departments, and email addresses of the two faculty members you have asked to complete forms recommending you for the McNair Scholars Program.

I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. If accepted, I understand the requirements of a research internship and attendance at meetings, seminars, and other McNair events are the basis for my continuation in the program. I also understand that I may be removed from the program for failure to comply with the required program rules or for falsifying any information provided on this form.

The electronic signature below is treated by Harding University like a physical handwritten signature on a paper form.

Statement of Purpose

The information provided in this section is very important to the selection process. Please respond to the topics and questions that are presented below in the form of a candid, thoughtful, well-constructed essay.

  1. Describe your family and educational background/history. How have these experiences affected your educational aspirations and career goals? What are your reasons for pursuing the doctoral degree?
  2. Describe extracurricular activities in which you participated as a high school or college student (e.g., campus, civic, community organizations). Describe academic honors, distinctions, and/or scholarships you received while in high school or college.
  3. What are your perspectives on punctuality, self-discipline, and delayed gratification?
  4. Researchers and administrators increasingly say that, in addition to a strong knowledge base, success in graduate school requires an appreciation for a balanced lifestyle, attentive to the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs of the self and others and a multicultural perspective. What is your interpretation of this?
  5. What is your understanding of the McNair Scholars Program philosophy and its primary objective? How is the program a good fit for your needs and goals? What academic/research experiences have you had that support your application for the program?
  6. McNair scholars participate in a stimulating and challenging summer research internship. Describe your research interests within or outside of your major field of undergraduate study. What are your expectations of the internship experience? Identify two Harding faculty members who you believe would be ideal mentors for your McNair research internship.

Consent for Release of Information

Dear Student:

The McNair Scholars Program is a federally grant-funded program. Its purpose is to prepare participants for enrollment and success in graduate school. The U.S. Department of Education requires all McNair programs to track the educational progress of each participant served, for ten years following graduation with the baccalaureate degree or until completion of the doctorate degree, to verify the effectiveness of the program’s services in preparing students to successfully enter and complete a graduate program. To accomplish this task, we require your permission to receive information about your academic progress.

Permission to Release Information

If I enroll in the McNair Scholars Program at Harding University, I authorize and direct educational institutions to release and make available my academic information from undergraduate, graduate, or postgraduate professional programs to the HU McNair Scholars Program staff. I understand this would include information from Harding, as well as from any other graduate or professional programs in colleges and universities in which I enroll. Such information could include enrollment and retention, academic standing, degrees sought, degrees earned, GPA, and other typical academic transcript information.

I agree that HU McNair staff may access educational data provided through Harding and post-graduation (or transfer) data provided through FERPA compliant sources, such as the National Student Clearinghouse.

I will provide information on funding received for graduate work to the McNair staff, as required for the Annual Performance Report submitted to the U.S. Department of Education. I authorize and direct educational institutions that I attend or have attended to release financial aid (funding support) for that sole purpose.

The electronic signature below is treated by Harding University like a physical handwritten signature on a paper form.

Contact Information