Counseling Center - Time Management

Where does time go? Actually time is constant. Time is always the same, there is no more or no less in any given day. The issue people have is how to manage this constant. Often time just seems to slip away without anything of necessity being accomplished. If you find yourself missing deadlines and appointments, constantly running late or over procrastinating, then you may struggle with time management. There is no need to find time, only to manage it productively. For some students, college is the first time they must solely manage their time. This responsibility can easily be neglected in the midst of making new friends, going to class, and finding a social group.

Here are some ideals that might help identify some "black holes" that eat up your time:

- Set your priorities and goals for the semester: this will include all aspects of life, not just school work.
- Keep a daily log of activities: this is a temporary method of identifying what is happening in a day.
- Make a "to do" list.
- Schedule work time and play time.
- Learn to say NO

Time management is an important aspect of successful life. If you or a friend is struggling with managing time, call the University Counseling Center for help at 501-279-4347.

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