Disability Services and Educational Access

Get started now!

If you are in need of accommodations due to a documented learning, physical or psychological disability, it is my desire to make sure you get the support you need in order to access your whole potential at Harding University. I am the liaison between you and your professors, as needed. My goal is to “level the playing-field” for you in your courses so that you have the opportunity to be successful in your college career.

The first step in accessing academic accommodations is to self-identify at the beginning of the semester by coming by Room 226 in the Student Center, or giving me a call at 501-279-4019 to schedule an appointment to fill out the necessary disability paperwork.

Next, you will need to provide documentation for your disability from your doctor, psychologist or high school psychological examiner according to ADA Guidelines in order to justify the accommodations you are requesting. (Reasonable accommodations are based on your documentation.)

Then, you will give your professors an accommodation letter that will provide necessary information to help you. (This will only be information about your accommodations, not your documentation.) Documentation is confidential and will be stored in a secure place in the DSEA office.

I’m so glad that you are here! It is my goal to support you academically and personally in any way that I can, as well as, refer you to other support programs on campus to assist you in earning your degree.


Bridget Smith
Director of Disability Services and Educational Access (DSEA)

DSEA Intake Form

The Disabilities Office at Harding University needs documentation for your disability that consists of a recent evaluation by an appropriate professional that describes the current impact of your disability.

Documentation should include (as it relates to your disability):

  • a clear, diagnostic statement identifying the disability, date of the current diagnostic evaluation and the date of the original diagnosis
  • a description of the diagnostic criteria and/or diagnostic test(s) used for evaluation
  • a description of the current functional impact of the disability
  • treatments, medications, assistive devices/services currently prescribed or in use
  • a description of the expected progression and/or stability of the impact of the disability over time
  • the credentials of the diagnosing professional(s)
  • any additional information which would help support and identify the need for requested academic accommodations

We reserve the right to request additional documentation if deemed necessary. The Disabilities Office is committed to keeping disability-related information confidential in accordance with state and federal laws (ADA/504 compliance).

The syllabus for each Harding University course carries the following statement:

Students with Disabilities: It is the policy for Harding University to accommodate students with disabilities, pursuant to federal and state law. Therefore, any student with a documented disability condition (e.g. physical, learning or psychological) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the instructor and the Office of Disability Services and Educational Access at the beginning of each semester. If the diagnosis of the disability occurs during the academic year, the student must self-identify with the Director of Disability Services and Educational Access as soon as possible in order to put academic accommodations in place for the remainder of the semester.

The Office of Disability Services and Educational Access is located in Room 226 in the Student Center on the Harding University Searcy campus. Since some graduate courses are taught at different sites and students will not have access to the Office of Disability Services and Educational Access located on the Searcy campus, the student must self-identify with the instructor of the course and submit documentation by fax (501-279-5702) or mail (915 E. Market Ave., Box 11268, Searcy, AR, 72149-5615) to the Office of Disability Services and Educational Access on the Searcy campus. The necessary forms are available at harding.edu/disabilityservices. Upon receiving the appropriate documentation approved by ADA guidelines, academic accommodations may be set up by the instructor via a telephone conference with the Director of Disability Services and Educational Access. If you have questions, please contact the Office of Disability Services and Educational Access at DisabilityServices@harding.edu or call 501-279-4019.

The syllabus for each Harding University course should carry the following statement:

Students with Disabilities: It is the policy for Harding University to accommodate students with disabilities, pursuant to federal and state law. Therefore, any student with a documented disability condition (e.g. physical, learning or psychological) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the instructor and the Office of Disability Services and Educational Access at the beginning of each semester. If the diagnosis of the disability occurs during the academic year, the student must self-identify with the Office of Disability Services and Educational Access as soon as possible in order to get academic accommodations in place for the remainder of the semester. The Office of Disability Services and Educational Access is located in Room 226 in the Student Center (501-279-4019).

The syllabus for each Harding University course carries the following statement:

Students with Disabilities: It is the policy for Harding University to accommodate students with disabilities, pursuant to federal and state law. Therefore, any student with a documented disability condition (e.g. physical, learning or psychological) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the instructor and the Office of Disability Services and Educational Access at the beginning of each semester. If the diagnosis of the disability occurs during the academic year, the student must self-identify with the Director of Disability Services and Educational Access as soon as possible in order to get academic accommodations in place for the remainder of the semester. The Office of Disability Services and Educational Access is located in Room 226 in the Student Center (501-279-4019).

Since students on an international campus will not have access to the Office of Disability Services and Educational Access located on Harding University's Searcy campus, the student must self-identify with the International Studies office prior to being accepted for a semester abroad. Reasonable academic accommodations (e.g. extended time on tests, a quiet room/no distractions for testing, etc.) may be made by the faculty on an international campus. However, a doctor’s statement will be required for a physical or psychological disability stating that the student is capable of fully participating in the rigorous travel itinerary (group and independent travel) as well as intense academics the semester he/she is abroad.

Records Release


Contact Information

Disability Services and Educational Access

Mailing address:
Harding University
Disability Services and Educational Access
HU 12268
Searcy, AR 72149-5615