Where can Family Nurse Practitioners practice?
Family Nurse Practitioners are educated to be primary care providers and are found working in many different areas. Besides family medicine clinics, FNPs practice in community health clinics, Native American health facilities, VA centers, school/college clinics, health departments, occupational health and specialty clinics. FNPs are also opening their own clinics or working with other health care providers in rural and urban locations.
What is the market for Nurse Practitioners?
All over the country there is a recognized shortage of health care providers. Medically underserved areas are recognized in many states as needing additional health care providers. As the U.S. population ages and with the increase in newly insured patients under the Affordable Care Act, millions of patients will need health care providers. More and more nurse practitioners are educated and prepared to enter primary care than ever before, and with all of the opportunities listed above, the demand has never been higher.
How long will the program take to complete?
The MSN is 45 credit hours. A full-time plan of study can be completed within five continuous semesters. A part-time plan of study can be completed within eight continuous semesters. Continuous plans of study includes summer semesters. Those who are selected to begin in the Spring semesters may be able to complete their studies in 7 continuous semesters.
The Second MSN plan of study is for students who have completed a previous Master's Degree in Nursing. This includes nursing education, nursing administration, clinical nurse specialist, etc. A student's plan of study is developed with consideration of previous MSN courses completed in pursuit of their first master's degree. Each student must present their official transcripts for review by the Associate Dean and FNP Program Director to determine which courses may transfer. A maximum of 15 credit hours may transfer if deemed congruent with HCCN's program. The length of the second MSN will depend on the number of transfer credits accepted.
The Post Graduate Certificate program may be chosen by registered nurses who have already completed a MSN (Non-FNP focused) in another concentration. The certificate program is based upon previous course work. Students focus on courses specific to FNP certification and University requirements, up to 32 credit hours. This program can be completed within five semesters.
Is Financial Aid available for the FNP program?
See Harding University's Graduate Financial Aid Services office or call 501-279-4081 for more information.
Please note: Title IV federal financial aid is not available for the Post Graduate Certificate, though private loans and grants may be available.
If I attend an online program, how often will I see my instructor?
More than you probably anticipate! Being a part of an online program does not mean you will have no interaction with your instructors or preceptors. You will first encounter your course instructor when you attend on-campus intensive, where you will meet classmates, review syllabi, and participate in discussions and workshops. Using educational technology, you will participate in course dialogue and discussion through either asynchronous discussion postings or planned synchronous virtual class meetings. The technology provides the ability to interact with professors on a personal level and to engage in professional dialogue to discuss relevant issues of the day. And finally, at the conclusion of the semester, students will return to campus to complete the course through either semester finals, clinical evaluations, or professional presentations. Your instructors want only the best for you and are heavily invested in each student.
For more information, see the AANP Nurse Practitioner Fact Sheet