Clinical Practice Experience
Through clinical experiences, students have the opportunity to practice classroom knowledge while focusing on compassionate and responsive patient care.
- The Pharm.D. curriculum includes clinical experiences each year.
- The early, or introductory, pharmacy practice experiences are located within a one-hour driving radius of the HUCOP campus in Searcy, Arkansas.
- The advanced pharmacy practice experiences comprising the final professional year may require relocation of the student to sites outside the Searcy area. Students may also petition the Associate Dean for Experiential Education to complete selected experiences at other locations outside the HUCOP network of affiliated clinical sites.
- Students will have opportunities to participate in international mission-related clinical experiences.
No student is required to find their own clinical sites. However, if a student knows of clinical sites near their home, there is a process in place to petition the Associate Dean for Experiential Education for site verification and approval. The student should begin the petition process well in advance of the anticipated practice experience in order to allow ample time for appropriate site investigation and preceptor training. Not all potential sites identified by students will be deemed acceptable by the Associate Dean for Experiential Education and approval is at the discretion of the Dean.